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Hiya I work in a nursery setting. Sometimes due to bad weather we ahve to bring the children indoors and do movement with them in the hall. Has anyone got any good games they play with their nursery children which doesnt involve gettin extra resources bats and balls. This is because I have 39 children with me, and wouldnt be able to get other equipment out. Thanks in advance.

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39 seems rather a lot to have to do anything with! Have you considered getting some Sticky Kids CD's, there are a range of them and you can do all sorts of music and movement activities just google Sticky Kids and you can even listen to short demos of the cds

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You have 39 children by yourself? Goodness, how does this work!? What about ratios and things?



Is there any chance you could have a box to just "grab" on the way past as you go to the hall? You could have a large parachute and a large ball in it for playing circle games with them?

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