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My First Attempt


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Posted (edited)

Have completed the first page he he. Would be greatful for any constructive critism, will then proceed to the next section, going to be a long process I think.


Claire x



Edited by cupcake

looks fine to me - clear and straightforward and not too wordy.

I was advised to use my previous oftsed report for this bit.

perhaps you could include something about the children - do you have children with SEN or EAL on role for example

Posted (edited)




Good point DCN thankyou, off to edit it now lol, OK done that, have uploaded the edited version, please keep coming with the feedback, I am happy to amend etc etc

Edited by cupcake


Looking good to me :o


When I did mine I included something along the lines of : "There are xx children aged 2 -5 yrs on roll of which xx receive Government funding though I don't think it is specifically asked for in the guidance (but does appear in OFSTED reports we have received in the past)


I think it is a good idea to check the SEF guidance to see if there is anything you might have left out - I had a quick look and found this:


Please describe the main characteristics of your setting and the culture and backgrounds of the children who attend, including those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, or speak English as an additional language


I think I said our children come from a 'diverse range of socio-economic backgrounds' or something like that!

I see you included all the 'early years qualifications' of staff but is there anything else they may have - I included that all staff have first aid certificates and that we had a SENCO who had undergone relevant training and all staff have undergone safeguarding training.


Hope this helps. I think you will find it gets easier as you go along. I also think it is worth looking at the guidance for inspectors - this shows what they are looking for and how things fall into each of the outstanding/good/satisfactory/inadequate categories.


Thanks Geraldine, I was going to include all other training but was leaving it until I got the relevant parts ie safeguarding etc to save repeating myself, I think i will get it all down then go and edit etc, thanks so much for taking the time to read it and advice is much appreciated, I feel slightly delrious that I have actually started it lol


Claire x

I feel slightly delrious that I have actually started it lol


Claire x


I know the feeling and when you get to the end you will be elated :oxD

The best piece of advice I was given (or perhaps I read it on here!) was to complete the SEF section by section with the guidance to hand. I literally ticked the guidance as I went along to make sure I included all they asked for.


I found the safeguarding section a little tricky as the title is 'the extent to which children feel safe' and the guidance asks how their behaviour illustrates that they feel safe and yet I wanted to get in all about our relevant policies, CCTV, that all staff are familiar with LCSB procedures. I did manage it in the end but started by illustrating children's relevant behaviour.

I know the feeling and when you get to the end you will be elated :oxD

The best piece of advice I was given (or perhaps I read it on here!) was to complete the SEF section by section with the guidance to hand. I literally ticked the guidance as I went along to make sure I included all they asked for.


I found the safeguarding section a little tricky as the title is 'the extent to which children feel safe' and the guidance asks how their behaviour illustrates that they feel safe and yet I wanted to get in all about our relevant policies, CCTV, that all staff are familiar with LCSB procedures. I did manage it in the end but started by illustrating children's relevant behaviour.


Thanks Geraldine,


Have now printed off the guidance and am reading through each section, in my eagerness to complete it, I can see how I have overlooked some important stuff. Have coffee and chocolate and will sit in my living room making copious amounts of notes, then will have another go at gettting some of it down


Claire x


Was advised by my Ofsed Inspector that I had too much info and they only wanted an outine (Feb 2010)


Will be going back to it to cut it down in the next 6months



Was advised by my Ofsed Inspector that I had too much info and they only wanted an outine (Feb 2010)


Will be going back to it to cut it down in the next 6months




Why am I not surprised to find a difference of opinion between OFSTED inspectors :o


Our inspector said that the SEF was 'very comprehensive, with detailed information which was very helpful'

also inspected Feb 2010

Why am I not surprised to find a difference of opinion between OFSTED inspectors :o


Our inspector said that the SEF was 'very comprehensive, with detailed information which was very helpful'

also inspected Feb 2010


mine said the same too and i feel confident that my detailed and comprehensive SEF played a huge role in me getting outstanding gradings. An inspector can't possibly see all the wonderful things we do in one day

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