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Letter Of Courtesy To Neighbours Of Propsed Building Site

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Posted (edited)

Odd request but....


We are in the planning stages of our own building and have been asked by the architects to contact the neighbours of the proposed site, out of courtesy, explaining what we are going to do. Has anyone done this before? Not sure how to start the letter!


All ideas greatfully received!



Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

Having built a home extention that needed planning permission it would be a good gauge of neighbours reaction to a formal notification of any developement. I would think you would get a more favourable response having contacted first in an open way asking for any comments or concerns then an un-announced official letter from the local council giving a limit time frame to respond.


When our FS was extended part of the planning permission conditions were for a noise reduction fence of a certain height after objections were raised by neighbours about noise and privacy. They didn't prevent the planning approval but it did mean conditions were attached to the approval which effected the works and costings.


It would the 'neighbourly' thing to do and may save you time and money in the long run. I don't have any suggestions about how to start your letter just to keep it friendly and that you would apprieciate their views.

Edited by Guest

Sorry - can't help you with your letter but Im intrigued by you new build plans - can I pick your brains ? Did you get funding support from the council or are you a private provider ? Dizzzz


Thanks Biccy


Dizzy: We are a charity pre school. We can't get funding until we get planning permission. I don't think our local council is much of an option, but we're going to try the National Lottery for most of the money and any EY grants.


Hi PPP, think it's usually just an open "Dear Neighbour, we are looking into/applying for planning permission to.............." type of thing. Include basic details of what will be done, when and who by and how long it's likely to take - these are the things that, as a a neighbour, I'd want to know!


Can your architect give you a smaple or outline letter? If not it may have to be good old google!




Thanks Nona, we wrote it today and basically put what you suggested.



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