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I am currently researching the care of children from 0-2yrs in a daycare setting. I have no expereince of this as I work in sessional care with 2-4 year olds.


I am interested in the possability operating with mixed age groups, family groups, not rooms with seperate aged children. I am aware this is challenging as there needs to be a "seperate room for babies" as per Ofsted regulations. However ideally I would like to have family type groups so the child stays with a keyworker throughout their time at the setting.


I would welcome all views and expereinces from anyone who is willing to share.




Hi Sally,


This is an idea I have been pondering for a while too.


I watched a video on Teachers TV about Swedish Early Years care at college last term and it showed how they have small family groups in their settings where siblings stay together with the same carer for their whole time in the setting. I was really interested to hear how it was organised and pleased to know that my feelings are shared, albeit in another country.


I know that when I childmind siblings they benefit from spending time together and I feel sad when I realise how little siblings in the same nursery see each other. I also like the idea of the continuity of care this system could offer without transitions between rooms every now and then.


I think that the principle is backed up by theory about children learning from more able others and it would show a considerable commitment to home links. It would also avoid that production line scenario which is seen in many in baby rooms at mealtimes.


I have been wondering for a while about how realistic it would be to set up a nursery in this format. I'd be very interested to hear what happens if you try it out.


I saw the same programme and wished thats how our nurseries worked. Until you mix the age ranges it can seem daunting, I know from readig posts on here that people worry if it will work, but with 2-4 its fine, and i'm sure as professionals we could make it work with smaller/younger children. A lot of places I've been to move the children to the various rooms by age rather than development, so in theory they are mixing the children more than they realise.


Thanks for both those replies - it`s reasurring to hear that you both understand where I am coming from on this.


I am very interested in looking at the teachers TV programme - do you have any more info. on it so I can find it?




you need to work with a registered childminder.

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