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Hi all,


I really need some help with EYCLO 3, I work in a school and the only evidence I have so far are notes taken from planning meetings and an e mail from a speech and language therapist, can any one think of anything else? x :o


You will have chatted on the online OU forum with other professionals, so there'll be that to use as evidence. Do you send any letters on to other settings when/if children move elsewhere? What does the PPA suggest (Can't remember) can you use other professionals like fire service or other visitors?


Hi Cait,


Thank you very much for sending me your recording from that has really helped. Im work as a teaching assistant and the SENCO deal with contacting any outside professionals, so all i can include are meetings I have had with other professionals. I just feel as though the evidence is very repetitive. Its mainly 3.1 im struggling to find evidence for ( thats developing working relationships with other professionals). All i have is notes from planning meetings?


Jenna x

Hi Cait,


Thank you very much for sending me your recording from that has really helped. Im work as a teaching assistant and the SENCO deal with contacting any outside professionals, so all i can include are meetings I have had with other professionals. I just feel as though the evidence is very repetitive. Its mainly 3.1 im struggling to find evidence for ( thats developing working relationships with other professionals). All i have is notes from planning meetings?


Jenna x


Well I'm sure that will do. You can always put in your page two that you'd have like more robust evidence but don't have any up to date, strong evidence other than that


I will keep trying to search for something, I have been off work for a week so i cant contact my head and ask her for some help! If i cant think of anything else, Im sure I will just have to explain my position


Thanks again for your help x


What about listing the professionals you have/had contact with......outside agencies and including the core team you work with (colleagues. Are there any activities you have done so far which asked you to discuss issues with your colleagues. I'm trying to update my EYCLOs too at the moment. 3.1 is developing working relationships with other professionals so any information you share with colleagues can be seen as developing working relations with them.


I have shared lots of info gathered on this forum with my setting and used it in E115 previously.


Hope this helps......keep going!! :o

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