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Planning For Sessions In Childrens Centre

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how do you plan for sessions such as messy play, stay and play and story time in your children centre?


Also do you have individual files for each child that visits the centre? It is our plan to do this starting in new year I think its a good idea but quite a task!!! Does anyone else do this and what info do you put in the file. We are keeping ours very simple- a photo of the child,personal details, childs likes/dislikes.

Guest Mrs Tiggy Winkle

That's actually a post I could have written myself, so I will wait for the answers to come flooding in...


Hi Unsworth,


I have been working at a Children's Centre for around 6 months now and am really enjoying the new role. As I come from an Early Years back ground spanning over many years, I have devised my own planning sheet for my art and craft sessiosn that I lead. The CC I am employed at is quite new and has recently gained its Full Core Offer. We seem to be able to plan in our own way as long as we follow the Core Offer and the Every Child Matters document.


I have made a longterm plan, using ideas from myself and from the parents and children who attend the art and craft session. On thelong term plan I have included the aim and objective of the session which links into the EYFS/Every Child Matters document.


My session plans include headings for, the theme, the activity, the resources, differentiation and the key vocabularly/ H&S. I colour code the activities I have decided to include in the session and the activities chosen by the parents/children. I also have a heading for which songs or story I will do at the end of the session which will link into the theme.


I also evaluate each session, as to what worked well, what didn't and why. I also write if I have signposted a parent/carer to another agency or if I have supported them in some way.


I hope this is of some help to you.



I am also about to start a group for childminders with the intention of supporting the child minders with their planning etc and what ever else they request support with. I am looking forward to this.





Hi, i too was hoping for some inspiration - and im fairly new.


I work as a `family support outreach worker' at a children’s centre and we are in tomorrow- and closed for two days planning!!!, the planning as far as I’m aware involves written aims and objective for each group, with a weekly outline of what is going to be the focus etc.. activity, story for the week.


Then weekly we do an evaluation of the session-


We are also planning to link these with observations of any significant discussions with individuals or any significant observations on behaviour of individual children- following up with written recommendations and evaluations, link to EYFS, we also link to PEEP and ECM..

The messy play session tends to be a little more detailed.. we brain storm ideas and plan activities weekly


We certainly do not plan on individual children, i cant see how this would work, as we have a huge number through our doors each week, it would be hours of written observations and next steps... We have about 15 groups and three outreach workers, we just wouldn’t have the time for more as we already have home visits and pre -school visits.. we also run one off sessions,


How many children are you planning on making up individual files on? are you talking about nursery or pre school sessions? how do you get this info, do you spend time talking to each parent/ child?


thanks rosepetal

Very useful info, especially the point about signposting parents.That is a big part of my role and I often think that its not noted down(written evidence)thanks a lot.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Hi Unsworth,


I have been working at a Children's Centre for around 6 months now and am really enjoying the new role. As I come from an Early Years back ground spanning over many years, I have devised my own planning sheet for my art and craft sessiosn that I lead. The CC I am employed at is quite new and has recently gained its Full Core Offer. We seem to be able to plan in our own way as long as we follow the Core Offer and the Every Child Matters document.


I have made a longterm plan, using ideas from myself and from the parents and children who attend the art and craft session. On thelong term plan I have included the aim and objective of the session which links into the EYFS/Every Child Matters document.


My session plans include headings for, the theme, the activity, the resources, differentiation and the key vocabularly/ H&S. I colour code the activities I have decided to include in the session and the activities chosen by the parents/children. I also have a heading for which songs or story I will do at the end of the session which will link into the theme.


I also evaluate each session, as to what worked well, what didn't and why. I also write if I have signposted a parent/carer to another agency or if I have supported them in some way.


I hope this is of some help to you.



I am also about to start a group for childminders with the intention of supporting the child minders with their planning etc and what ever else they request support with. I am looking forward to this.






Hello Rosepetal


I am a FSOW too and still very new to this. I was wondering would you consider letting me have a copy of your planning. i know it's a little cheeky to ask, but it looks so good and I have been trying to find a better way to do the planning. (It's a headache and it shouldn't be) The planning we use at the moment isn't very good and we were asked to see if we could do it better. The planning we doing at present was already in place before I took up the post.


Many Thanks



Edited by katehart
Hello Rosepetal


I am a FSOW too and still very new to this. I was wondering would you consider letting me have a copy of your planning. i know it's a little cheeky to ask, but it looks so good and I have been trying to find a better way to do the planning. (It's a headache and it shouldn't be) The planning we use at the moment isn't very good and we were asked to see if we could do it better. The planning we doing at present was already in place before I took up the post.


Many Thanks




Hi Kate,


I was just having a quick look at the messages this morning and read yours. I will attach the planning sheet over the weekend when I have a bit more time. It is also ok if you want to make any adjustments to the planning sheet which might work for your centre.


Rosepetal :o

Posted (edited)

we have learning journals for the children which attend creches - they are more a book with children's work and photo's with quotes of things children have said which we link to EYFS.


we have an activity sheet for every possible activity we would do/provide in the front of a file then we have a review/evaluation sheet that we would fill out after every session.



Edited by Guest
To remove the 'sand' document as requested!

(oops the first sand link wasnt ment to be uploaded, not sure how to delete it)

Hi Kate,


I was just having a quick look at the messages this morning and read yours. I will attach the planning sheet over the weekend when I have a bit more time. It is also ok if you want to make any adjustments to the planning sheet which might work for your centre.


Rosepetal :o



Thank you very much Rosepetal, I will find this very useful.

we have learning journals for the children which attend creches - they are more a book with children's work and photo's with quotes of things children have said which we link to EYFS.


we have an activity sheet for every possible activity we would do/provide in the front of a file then we have a review/evaluation sheet that we would fill out after every session.


Hi Jeanine


Wow! thank you for sharing this. It will be very useful.



Posted (edited)

Oh yes!!! I have just booked myself on a EYFs training today, which is in May.

Edited by katehart
Thank you very much Rosepetal, I will find this very useful.



Hi Rosepetal


Will you still have a chance to download an example of your planning


Would make someone very happy!!! ME


Can someone let me know if these files are downloading properly please, as I have tried to open them to check that they were down loading properly, but they are not opening for me.



Thank you







Its saying you need to open it using openoffice.org!!!!


Thank you Spaceman,


Its probably because I am using my study computer which I use for my OU course work and I use Star Office8 which is what I made the templates on for my planning. Sorry everyone who may have tried to download the files. Not sure if Star Office is compatible with Office. Any advice greatly received.




Posted (edited)
Hello Katehart,


I will try and attach the planning that I use. Lets hope this works.

Please feel free to add to the planning or make any adjustments that will work for you.









Thank you very very much Rosepetal :o They are brillant and hopefully i can now get me head down and start planning.

Once again many thanks for finding the time to do this for me.


May be one day I will be able to help you out



Edited by katehart
Thank you very very much Rosepetal :o They are brillant and hopefully i can now get me head down and start planning.

Once again many thanks for finding the time to do this for me.


May be one day I will be able to help you out




HI Kate/ Rosepetal


I was looking at your thread and also not managing to download them... I am currently working in a busy (47 children ) preschool and I would really appreciate a lookat your planning as we have a new team that is finding the EYFS implentation a bit overwhelming ! Would you possibly be able to send them to me? I really would like to see if we are on the same path ! thanks Claire

HI Kate/ Rosepetal


I was looking at your thread and also not managing to download them... I am currently working in a busy (47 children ) preschool and I would really appreciate a lookat your planning as we have a new team that is finding the EYFS implentation a bit overwhelming ! Would you possibly be able to send them to me? I really would like to see if we are on the same path ! thanks Claire



Hi nealclaire


sorry to hear you are finding the planning overwhelming too. I did manage to open the downloads but not the normal way, which is just clicking on them. I had to Right click on the download and then go to Save target As and then clicked again. That seemed to work for me.R




Hi everyone....this is my firs post on this site... but this opic has been so useful!! I am just starting to create planning for all our sessions at the children's centre where i work....and have found your comments and examples really useful. Thank you x

Hi nealclaire


sorry to hear you are finding the planning overwhelming too. I did manage to open the downloads but not the normal way, which is just clicking on them. I had to Right click on the download and then go to Save target As and then clicked again. That seemed to work for me.R





Yeah it worked thank you ...very helpful . claire

Hi All


Been reading with interest about planning, etc have attached some of the planning and evaluation that I use.


Hope it may help


Gerry G :o


100112_YS_SRR_1.doc S_P_focus_Act_Handprint_spiders_1_.7doc.docShake_Rattle_and_Roll_Session_Plan.doc SRR_Week_1_Lesson_Plan.docS_P_Tebay_Autumn_Plan_2.doc


Thank you very much Gerry, I really appreciate your time it took you to download your planning. Love it thank you. everyone on this forum are very helpful.



  • 2 weeks later...


I also work in children's centres and would love to share and compare planning. The plans attached by Rosepetal don't seem to want to open on my computer! I've tried and failed with the suggested route!


At present we look at the EYFS and Every Child Matters when planning our groups then consider the needs of the families that are accessing each group and have disucssions around relevant topics at snack time in our stay and play groups.

We have had CAB come and talk to the families as well as a superb session from dental health.

  • 1 month later...
Hi Unsworth,


I have been working at a Children's Centre for around 6 months now and am really enjoying the new role. As I come from an Early Years back ground spanning over many years, I have devised my own planning sheet for my art and craft sessiosn that I lead. The CC I am employed at is quite new and has recently gained its Full Core Offer. We seem to be able to plan in our own way as long as we follow the Core Offer and the Every Child Matters document.


I have made a longterm plan, using ideas from myself and from the parents and children who attend the art and craft session. On thelong term plan I have included the aim and objective of the session which links into the EYFS/Every Child Matters document.


My session plans include headings for, the theme, the activity, the resources, differentiation and the key vocabularly/ H&S. I colour code the activities I have decided to include in the session and the activities chosen by the parents/children. I also have a heading for which songs or story I will do at the end of the session which will link into the theme.


I also evaluate each session, as to what worked well, what didn't and why. I also write if I have signposted a parent/carer to another agency or if I have supported them in some way.


I hope this is of some help to you.



I am also about to start a group for childminders with the intention of supporting the child minders with their planning etc and what ever else they request support with. I am looking forward to this.





Hi Rosepetal I am also quite interested in your planning as i too have the same experience and background, only being recently in post its nice to take new ideas and how they can be adapted in these situations. I was keen to see how you planned for your stay and play sessions and also linked back to the core offer. We usually when introducing a new group make a project proposal and link to ECM.






At our children's centre, I am now looking at ways in which parents can record information and observations on new things that their child has begun to do either at the stay and play sessions or at home. I would like to develop a booklet to record this information but not sure where to start.


Is this something that anyone already uses in the stay and play and sensory sessions? Any ideas or sheets will be much appreciated.



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