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Iep Recording Sheets

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Not sure if anyone can help??? I am looking for IEP recording sheets that are in the form of a balloon, that I can write the targets in, or a train that I can write the targets in the smoke clouds etc. IEP's that you can write within the pictures. Then the children can colour the pictures once they have achieved the target.


If anyone has any ideas were I can buy/download etc I would be really grateful.


Thanks Sam


Sounds like the old pre-DLO stuff we used to use. I'll have a look and see what I have


Thanks Cait, just what I am looking for.


I am working with many professionals working with one child and just having the one recording/target setting form to reduce the paperwork. Plus not overload the child with targets. When we discussed this, we found the child had been set 12 targets by 4 different professionals working with them. Talk about overload....


I didn't just want blank boxes to fill in, as parents have a copy as well.


Thank you

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