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Just found this on Twitter - the DCSF has published its plans for the shake up of Primary education following Jim Rose's review. It includes giving parents the option of sending their child to school in the September following their fourth birthay.


When they get to school, the Government is promising "a more flexible, more locally determined curriculum will still focus on the basics", and that "teachers will have more freedom to use their professional judgement and creativity to make links between subjects that make sense to their pupils: from linking history to the arts, or science to PE"


I'm particularly interested in children going to school in the September following their third birthday, and wonder what effect this will have on all kinds of early years settings (although I think from reading posts on here that this is already happening in many Local Authorities). I also wonder how this will affect my Local Authority's move towards a two point entry to school from September 2010 - will this plan (if it gets through Parliament in the next 70 days or whatever is left til the election) make it redundant?


Will parents truly be given the choice of taking up this place or not, and if they choose to keep their child in pre-school will they be guaranteed a place when the child reaches statutory school age? As always, the devil's in the detail.




Maz, forgive me if I'm being ditzy, but can't all children currently start school in the September after they turn 4? I know you can defer it but I didn't realise it wasn't currently an entitlement already?


I should think many of us in urban areas at least that can think of one or two schools who will still go down the route of ..... if they don't start when we say they should we can't guarantee a place later in the school year.


Parents have always stuggled to get the flexibility some of them want for their child - I don't see that changing. We only have one school left in the area which has two intakes. It would be great to see that trend reversed.


It depends on LA admission policies - mine is single entry in September so all children start the Sept after their fourth birthday (as Rose is recommending) but other LAs operate January and April intakes so although these children will still only be four they spend a term or two terms less in a reception class - which Rose says puts them at a disadvantage ...

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