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Hi, I am laid up in bed and my brain is addled with pain killing drugs. Ofsted is due any moment now! Has anyone written a questionnaire for parents views ontheir nursery. If any one can share their thoughts and ideas on what to put in a questionnaire I would be very grateful as my mind is just not focussing on anything and I am getting stressed. Thanks in advance


I used the attached which I thought was a good balance of getting information from them but not so long it put them off.


It was cobbled together from various forms that I found on here so is not my own original work.


Feel free to use it and change as you wish:




I have attached the questionnaire I recently sent out - I pinched a lot of the ideas from

this forum - I liked the inclusion of the children's questions and so far the replies have

been both amusing and useful to see what the children think of us.



Hope it helps








I suspect the children's questions have come from the Ofsted site - we have used them recently and yes, you do get some great replies!



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