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Planning Again!


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Its that time of the term again... it just comes around so fast...


Our topic for next half term is 'Rosies walk' and 'we're going on a picnic' both by Pat Hutchins


So the obvious link is journeys, map and lots of postitional language. :)


We will be making shadow puppets for the story book characters which extends our topic from this half term-light. And will be using junk modelling and construction to make a 3d model for each book that the children can then use to retell the story.

I have though about encouraging the children to make up their own stories about each of the characters or combining characters from each book.


But thats really as far as i have got... :o if you have any ideas that your willing to share I would love to hear them.

Let us all know what your topic for the following half term is.


Thanks in advance


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When we did rosies walk we actually took them out on a walk, collected for a collage, looked at local area, pointing out landmarks, what shapes can be seen, and camera to take pictures to be used later for reference, when drawing or painting,what could we see same /differnet to rosie etc.

I was lucky to be in a country setting at the time but have also done it in the current one which is town/beach based. We Added posting cards home to parents from the post box when we were out, particularly if done during the week before mothering sunday.



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After reading Rosies Walk I drew a map of her journey with the children recalling where she walked. The children then used chairs, tables, hoops etc to make an obstacle course around one end of the room. After going around the course several times they helped to make a map of it. I can remember that when we did this activity we had some visitors in the hall and they stood just where we were making our course so we built it around them!

Our next topic is Shapes.


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As Rosie's walk is a story without words give the children a series of boxes to draw a story board about another well known story.


Give the children sentences to place in the correct order to tell the story or write their own.

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I haven't got the book you mentioned but have found several songs about shapes from other web sites, all to familiar tunes.


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