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Music Room Activities

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Guest babyjane31

Hi everyone, after half term we have been given weekly use of our feeder primary schools music room. I am trying to compile a list of possible activities we could plan but none of us are very musical minded and are really struggling. Any good ideas???


Thanks in advance.


You could use percussion type instruments to encourage the children to copy simple rhythms. If they enjoy it you could extend it by giving them cards with shapes on representing long, sharp, loud, quiet sounds which is a good way to develop pre-reading skills too.


Asking the children to conduct each other in playing loud/quiet sounds or fast and slow.


Finding sounds to match a story e.g. bear hunt what sounds like wind etc. then tell the stort together with sounds effects.


Can one of you pick out simple familiar tunes on an instrument e.g. In the Night Garden?

Guest babyjane31

Thanks Uppsy daisy some realy good ideas, I've also purchased some sticky kids CD's as hope these will provide some ideas and inspiration. We also have a clapping book with lots of clapping and rhythmic activities that we are going to try. Any more ideas

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