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I am sure a lot of people will have some brilliant ideas, but as I can get in first I'll offer the one that sprang to my mind, which is getting some clay out to play with, and making some textures in it using combs, forks, nails, anything you can get hold of really! I am sure you could come up with a finished product idea if you want, but it would work equally well just for it's own sake, as the children just love to get absorbed into working with the feel of the clay, especially if there's lots of water around to lubricate it!!



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Marvin Medium added to paint makes a lovely textured media which can be scraped etc. Add in what you want (pasta,rice) and it dries with a lovely sheen. Van Gogh work is good to look at- you need an original really! :D

Corn flower and water makes a lovely gloopy mixture to play with. Felting adds layers of softness and is v.easy with young children. Enjoy cheers Lucyd

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Hi Steve

Marvin medium is a PVA glue. It was one of the first, I think, and some of us old hands use the term to mean PVA glue but unless anyone knows something I dont I dont think it has any properties that other PVA glues dont! It wasnt washable though and there are now washable PVA glues out there, which is a bit more user friendly especially as I never use it neat, always add water it to make it go further, in more ways than one! :o:DxD

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We did textured painting last year as part of a senses topic.

Over the week we mixed different things into paint (sand, salt, porridge, then some were scented using frangranced oils, jelly crystals, herbs and spices)

Once they were dry the children were encouraged to find things to stick onto their painting to give some more textures. Each child took a bucket or bowl and roamed around the nursery looking in collage pots, out in the garden for leaves and twigs and so on. Each collage pot contained a certain texture, shiny, rough, smooth, furry, and so on. They stuck their bits on and finally we punched a hole in one corner and hung a small bell from each picture so that they could be heard too. They were hung by the main door and the staircase so that the constant movement would make the bells ring.


The only sense I couldn't get on there was taste, although we could have tasted the spices etc before we mixed them into the paint. Link it to the story Lucy's Picture.



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