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Hi there - not sure if I've posted this in the right area but I thought it would be a nice idea to collect some fundraising ideas to pass on...



I'm sure we've all got our old favourites from sponsored walks and raffles but we have a couple of other 'schemes' which are always winners... anyone else want to share their ideas??



1. bag2school.com parents/friends collect clothing, bags, shoes, bedding, linen, curtains, soft toys and place in a special bag, bring to the setting on a pre-agreed date/time. Bag2school come along and collect the bags, weigh the donations and hey presto a few weeks later we got a cheque for £120! xD


2. easyfundraising.org.uk sign up as a good cause, then parents use links through this website to shop at Next, argos, M&S, clarks, play.com, and hundreds more and you get a % donation.

(stole this idea from you Cait - thank you! :o )




Are there any other good schemes out there??


I feel it is good to have a balance between asking Parents for money and asking them to help when it isn't going to cost them any money!


:wacko: xD :rolleyes: :unsure: ;)


In my daughter's school they send home empty paper cups (I think McDonald's donate them!) for parents to fill with wrapped sweets, small toiletries, small toys etc.

These are then returned to school where each one is labelled with a raffle ticket and put on a 'tombola style' stall. The children love it.

Everyone's a winner! :o


We have just raised £230 with a used book table we asked for bags of books (some were new )

Sold them for £1 hard backs. 50p small paper backs Had table up for 2 weeks

Only trouble was people bought say 2 books and put 4 of their own on the table.

The amount of books on the table never went down

We took the table off and took remaining books to Hospice shop


I'm sure I looked into bags 4 school before and they supplied you with blue bags but looking on the website today I can't find any mention of it.


Do we just hand out bin bags?




Sorry, just found out the answer. Guess you phone them up to arrange a collection in advance and they send you their bags.


Looks like a easy fundraiser!


we do a fill the smartie box sponsor...each child is given (well parent so that they get the choice whether to give the smarties or not) a mini box of smarties, they then get sponsored for how many items they can get back in it.......think the parents have more fun trying to out do each other but we made £400+ this time from approx 50 children and not all took part, so only expense was a couple of bags of mini smarties and 2 x £5 book voucher for most items in box and most raised money.


Just hijacking this thread -


Does anyone know the can and can'ts of collection tins/buckets? Have to be sealed/brand new/can't seal them yourself etc.




We do 'Bags to School' and we also do a 'Silver trail', (we are a school nursery). Each class collects silver coins and then they lay them out in a straight line (class by class) they are measured by a metre stick and there are class prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd longest lines. very quickly we realised that two 5ps take up more space than one 10p, so all the 5ps disapear in our area! We always raise a lot of money and it's also good for 'wprking together' and fine motor skills! We do the lines either in the playground or in the hall and a few mums come in to collect them up and then count them! (they use a coin counter from a bank).


I love the idea of a coin trail!!


Might have to borrow that one... :o


Any more ideas out there to share?


How about a rainbow raffle... each group or class is allocated a colour- the childrent hen bring in items of that colour and they are put into a beutifully wrapped box- The boxes are then raffled

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