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Early Intervention Policy

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Hello! I'm a brand new member and have really enjoyed catching up on lots of the posts on this fantastic site.

I've been asked to write an early intervention policy for my nursery class regarding language and mathematics. Has anyone got any examples or tips - I've had a good look on the site and can find no references to any of them anywhere. Have also been asked by the LEA to write a Whistle Blowing policy - don't have a clue there!

Can anyone help please? :o I'm in the dark.

Thank you



HI and welcome :D


I may be barking up the wrong tree here but with regard to an early intervention policy for language and maths, I presume it is to reflect your strategy for addressing the needs of children who struggle/do not progress towards/ reach the stepping stones in the FS curriculum for language and maths. IN my pre school

'early intervention' for a child, for example, giving us cause for concern regarding his language development would consist of the implementation of Early Years Action, moving on to Early Years Action Plus if the need arose. We don't have a specific early intervention policy - I wonder if others do?


With regard to the whistle blowing policy - sounds like a tall order and good luck :D I did type in 'LEA whistle blowing policy' in my search engine (good old google!) and it came up with a very detailed policy for an LEA in Lancashire, covering schools and the LEA. One of my new year resolutions is to learn how to put a link here but the ability to do so escapes me at the moment :o but you might like to try your search engine. THe policy I found was very detailed and made interesting reading.


Good luck, I am sure some others will be along soon and may be able to help more than I can :D


Hi Kristina -

Welcome to the Forum and thanks for your comments. Can't help on the early intervention policy, although it would be interesting to see your reply to Geraldine!


I found the link Geralding was referring to though, and you can access it by clicking here. It's a PDF document so it may take a little while to load depending on your internet connection.


Best wishes, and welcome again -

Steve. :)


ooh - I wasn't paying attention! An early intervention policy might be the same as a Special Educational Needs Policy mightn't it?


We've got one of those, which you can find at the bottom of the policy examples list here.


Hope it helps! :)


Oops from me too! I omitted to mention our SEN policy which of course is what is used/followed when implementing Early Years Action.



As always Steve I am impressed by anyone who can do links but I am working on it and will manage it one day :o


Hi Krissy and welcome. :)

There was a discussion about whistleblowing policies some time ago and I posted our SPPA one. It can be found in this topic here.


Hi Krissie and welcome.

Glad youve found us, I'm sure you'll have fun! :D


I wonder why you've been asked to write a whistle blowing policy by the LEA? Seems strange they dont do that themselves?


Welcome aboard Krissie, we only have SEN policy too.


Geraldine, links are really easy - copy whole of website address, click on http:// - grey box above, paste in address click o.k., type in what you want to call link e.g. here, then click o.k.


Hope this helps.


Thank you so much to everyone for the kind welcome! I think I maybe didn't explain myself properly in terms of the early intervention policy, but I wasn't terribly sure what I was talking about at the time! Having done a bit more research locally it seems that what I should be looking at is how we will encourage the development of pre reading and writing skills as well as basic understanding of early mathematical concepts. In other words further development of our policies for language and mathematics development, but also linked to the SEN policy too. Clear as mud I think!!


Thanks for the links I've had a wee look and got some interesting info - very detailed whistleblowing but I'll cut it down!


Carol, thanks for yours too.


Kristina :D

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