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A colleague of mine who is working with a group of Toddlers is arranging a 'Foot Day' and is collecting together a selection of ideas and activities ... I though I would post on here as there is always lots of ideas generated!! So far she is thinking of toe nail painting/foot scrubs/foot painting/passing a balloon with only their feet/bringing in various types of shoes/types of shoes worn in different professions/ sock puppets.......any other ideas would be really appreciated!




shoe shop in the role play? Ask all the children to bring in shoes from home, matching activities, sizing, colour, etc.


If you ask Clarks they might give you a foot measure for the school, I know they have been kind enough to do that before.... or you can make your own with a piece of card.


Our annual fundraising is a 'welly waddle' everyone comes in their wellies and we walk around the village, kids love it especially if it rains!



If I think of anything else, I'll let you know!


tactile walk... we did one using all sorts and children loved walking through all the items, we had rough coir mat, textured tile, carpet, shredded paper, mud, sand, leaves, spaghetti (cooked) , in fact anyhting you can think of really and ending in a bowl of warm soapy water to wash feet off at the end...





One we have used for years, and which works well with the ones who can't bear paint on their feet, is to step in a tray of cheap talcum powder then walk on black paper - v effective and the whole place smells fab! (Adults too) For the ones who do like it then a small paddling pool of jelly is lots of fun - once I had an old pair of adult wellies and put jelly in those - was hilarious! Personally I used to love marching up and down on a big bath sponge in the bath when I was small - it's a bit like mud - honest - just try it!They could try holding brushes with thei feet to paint and see pictures of artists working this way. Don't forget We're going on a bear hunt - they stand in all sorts of stuff, and, of course the Hairy Toe. It's a great idea - Love it - may have to borrow if that's ok? ...Please!

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