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Prop Ideas For Roleplay


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hi everyone

I found this file among the 100's as i was deleting. It is a compilation of roleplay props and ideas collected over the years. Thought i would post it as a starting point for roleplay ideas.

Hope its useful.


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Thanks Leo...(printed it off too and added to my...'will read over the holiday pile' !!!) it's always useful to have some new ideas... have a lovely Christmas


Best wishes


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Thank you Leo- have printed off and am sure it will be very useful for my staff.


How does it feel sorting through all your past stuff? It's amazing what we accumulate over the years and how easy it is to forget some great ideas used in the past.


Thank you again for sharing with us.



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i'm enjoying pressing the 'delete' button on the computer and alread i have so much of xtra space available on the computer. like you said its a good opportunity to review all the material and resources collected and decide what to keep or bin.

if i haven't used it in 2 years, i'm not keeping it.


i've also found the centre signs that i made for all the different areas of the room.

Please feel free to use it if its useful. i use it along with the number dots to specify how many people can play/use each area.


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