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Observing Children And Keyworker Groups

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Morning all x


Couple of questions please!!


Do you split into keyworkers groups to do activities each day?


Activities you plan for your key children are they linked to learning or just interests then linked afterwards?


Do you observe and plan for all your key children each week or on a rota basis?






We dont split into keyworker groups for activities and we plan from the childrens interests and link to learning after.


I'm the Keyworker (only worker) for all 29 children


the recent feedback re observations was to observe when there is something to observe not just because it's X's turn to be done today


We aim for children to spend at least some part of their day in their keygroups although for us this is a 'work in progress' and we haven't quite got there yet.


Each key person has a 'rolling plan' which shows how we are meeting every child's needs in that key group, across all areas of learning and reflecting the four themes. So each area of learning is split into four and the key person writes in how they are supporting each child in that area. So for enabling environments, for instance we might write that since little Johnny seems to be interested in the properties of string, or wool and enjoys tying things up, we might provide more and different resources to support his investgations in this area.


We observe all the time, and when we plan activities specifically for individual children we obviously have a learning outcome in mind, however when it is evaluated we often find that children engage with experiences very differently. So if an activity was planned to support a child's developing fine motor skills but the child took a more creative approach, then we'd evaluate it on that basis too.


As Marion says, if the child doesn't engage with a particular experience or activity then there will be no meaningful observation. In my experience if a child is called away from something they're really engaged in to do an activity because "its their turn" then they are unlikely to engage with it meaningfully because it is the adult's agenda, and not theirs.



Guest Wolfie
Each key person has a 'rolling plan' which shows how we are meeting every child's needs in that key group, across all areas of learning and reflecting the four themes. So each area of learning is split into four and the key person writes in how they are supporting each child in that area. So for enabling environments, for instance we might write that since little Johnny seems to be interested in the properties of string, or wool and enjoys tying things up, we might provide more and different resources to support his investgations in this area.


How often does each keyperson contribute to/update their rolling plans?



How often does each keyperson contribute to/update their rolling plans?


Hi, I am new to this forum but it has been amazing so far and only joined saturday! Thanks for al your amazing advice and resources. I am newly qualified and this is my second year of teaching, I have taught reception last year and now going into a nursery in a school setting. I have 60 children 30 am and 30 pm, there is myself as the teacher and then two TA's. The nursery has not got a key worker system at the moment as very new but I want to bring them in as I feel it is very important for the children. So a couple of questions:

How do I share out the key workers with the children, I do not feel it is fair if we have 20 each as this is a lot to ask of teaching assisstants what do you think?


How best can I manage the paper work of 60 learning diaries ? x


Hello there Manth, welcome to the forum, do make yourself at home.


IT would be good to discuss with your staff how you can implement a key person system in your nursery class. There are a number of teachers here in the same boat who might pop along and let you know how they organise this.


I used to work with a 13:1 ratio and we all had the same size groups, this was an accepted normal part of the job for my team as we'd been doing it for many years. Obviously when we went from part to full time provision it did make it easier. When we had the luxury of an additional adult, I used to find little opportunities to release them whenever I could, so that they never had to take them home.


We also used to work alongside the children to make the entries into their diaries, it was an important part of the day and the more we did with the children, the less we needed to do in our own time.


I dont know if you have fund the 'search' button yet, but there have been quite few conversations about how you manage these in school settings which don't have the same ratio. Have a good read around them before you decide what might work for you.

How often does each keyperson contribute to/update their rolling plans?

Depends on what's going on and how quickly things are moving really. Some things get put on in advance, in response to something that has happened, but others get stuck on afterwards. Really the plan is amended whenever anything signficant happens that shows the child is learning and developing. So when a child stops being interested in one thing and engages with something else, the first thing will be crossed off, or the plans amended to show how it has developed into something else.


We're just beginning to get to grips with this really - we'll start off a new set of plans in September with things that seemed relevant in July but imagine things will move quite quickly, given they've had six weeks or so and are probably now interested in something totally different. The rolling plans aren't for a set period of time, so they can be kept open for as long as they are meaningful for the children.


I'll keep you posted, Wolfie!




How best can I manage the paper work of 60 learning diaries ? x

hi there. i am a teacher in a school based nursery with the same numbers per session as you. we have been talking asbout key groups this hols as we've just been given a third person cos our numbers have increased. initially anyway, i am running 2 sorts of key groups. for story times/teaching groups , we will split into 2 groups, me and the more experienced NN. don't think it's fair to give new NN a teaching group yet. then for circle and snack time, which we are going to combine, we will split into 3 key groups. this chat time will be chance for key worker to get to know her group. will also split into 3 key groups for changing for pe. are goinjg to try to file childrens evidence in key groups, so each adult responsible for filing 10 children am and 10 in pm work. going to attempt to stop tidying at 4 pm everyday so the 3 of us can talk about obs and next steps for all the children as teacher, i feel it is my responsibility to know all the children, not just my 10 in each session. does this help? last year, let filing build up. My filing is proably your learning journey stuff. this year going to try to do it weekly???!!!!

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