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Reception Planning - Myself

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Im new to the site so hope i have posted in the right area.

I work in a special needs school which the reception and nursery are fully inclusive settings, I am moving to reception next year.

Does anyone have any good planning, ideas or resources for the topic myself?





We did 'Myself' this time last year and being a year older is causing my brain to have a bit of a blockage!!!! Here are some of the activities we did (I think!!!)


We produced self portraits in the style of Vincent Van gogh - we added talc to the paint to make it thicker - they looked really good

We also looked at Archimbold0 - he paints people in fruit and veg - we copied this using real vegetables, which then led to our favourite fruits and veg and a tasting session, followed by creating a block graph - we also covered healthy foods at this point and creating a healthy lunchbox

I cut out a bone shape in a potato and we printed pictures of our skeleton

We also read 'Funny bones' and drew skeletons in white chalk on black paper.

We learnt the song 'dem bones' as well as the old favourites, Head shoulders etc

We visited the local hospital and had x rays of parts of our bodies

We talked about similarities and differences of each other

the role play area became a doctors surgery

we talked about our local environemnt and went for a walk around the local area, and drew our route to school

we drew picture of our families

we measured ourselves and discussed whether the oldest was the tallest

we did lots on the things we liked/disliked

we prodcued self portraits on the computer

we looked at our baby pictures and discussed how we had changed, we also put them up on the display and made an interactive activity out of it, asking the children to guess who the pictures were of.

We asked one of the mums to come in with her baby, and the class gave him a bath

we laid out 6 different plastic cups with foil in them, piereced the top and encouraged the children to sniff and discover what was in there (we had garlic, ketchup etc)

We talked about how different materials felt, rough smooth etc


thats all I can think about so far - sorry - but I know lots of people will be along soon with lots of great ideas!



A warm welcome to the forum eubankclare and thanks for your first post :o


Have a look at the topics section of the forum which you can find by this link HERE


After you've had a look any more queries then just ask. xD




Hi im starting my first year as an NQT in reception in sept and also doing about 'myself'. www.topicbox.net have a section on 'all about me' which has some good ideas and ICT mouse skills activities and games. Also i was thinking about doing activities such as the children drawing around each others bodies on large peices of paper and comparing heights, printing with body parts, senses activities such as "smelly socks" with different ingredients inside etc, making an "all about me" big book with photos and the children's mark making. don't know if this is of any help as i'm new to this myself. good luck with the ideas x

We visited the local hospital and had x rays of parts of our bodies



How on earth did you manage that? Weren't the parents a bit anxious?


Hiya x


Role Play:

Home Corner: Babies, Prams, car seats, baby clothes, changing mats, bathing babies (baby bath?)


Shoe Shop:


Big Bear, Little Bear, Elmer, Feelings, Owl Babies Stories about families and family life – when i grow up?

Charlies name begins with ch, ch, ch,ch (beginning of name sound) Davids name begins with D, D, D D, Head shoulders knees and toes, , Tommy thumb, Can you walk on two legs?

Babies - Invite parent into school with baby - compare and contrast, follow up with baby area / clinic


2.2 Opportunities for Parental Involvement:

Bring in Baby Shoes, Baby Photographs/family photographs

Bring in a baby sibling?





Draw your family

Self Portrait


Personal Social Emotional

• Settling in - welcoming new children

• Talking about similarities and differences between ourselves and others, emphasise how special each one is.

• Talk about family look at family photographs, what can you do now that you didn’t use to be able to do?

• Why happens when you frown, smile, cry?

• Talking about feelings, describing happy, sad, angry, excited (feelings story)

• (sorry story)

• What makes you feel happy, sad, angry? - (make faces on sticks - clowns one side happy one side sad)

• Introduce Circle time


Communication Language and Literacy

• Describing themselves and family

• Extend vocabulary - body parts, through songs, heads shoulders knees and toes

• Starting (learning stories) - all about me - writing and drawing.

• Learning each others name.. singing the name song (charlie’s name begins with ch, ch, ch to the tune of London bridge)

• Writing our name and recognising it

• Ordering the letters of our name

• Writing the names of our friends / family

• Drawing friends and family

• Core books and activities - Listening to each other - news special occasions


Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy

• Sorting-


• Comparing - tall taller tallest small smaller smallest hand / foot size

• Ordering -

• Matching –

• Counting - Number rhymes, songs and games

• Measuring - height of children, height chart smallest child tallest child also adult height

• Foot size

• Show and tell – baby shoes how have our feet grown?


Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Keeping healthy - hand washing bathroom routines

Body parts - recognition and naming ,

Mirrors - use for close examination - reflections

Effect of exercise on body - feel heart beat

Outdoors: Exploration of senses - what can we see, smell, feel, hear ,taste

Modelling playdough - people faces

Draw around shoe and design new shoe

Use Beebots- programmable toy, also simple progs on computer to introduce children to it (paint, word)

Photo display of families or baby and now how I’ve changed and family trees

Where do you live? address and door number


Physical Development

Gross motor skills

1 little finger, Heads shoulders, 1 finger 1 thumb, Simon says,. Practice walking with small strides/long strides heavy/light walk march hop jump skip run - extend by walking backwards etc.

Outdoors -, wheeled toys, balls

Fine motor skills

Threading - making necklaces from pasta, straws,

Drawing around hands and feet and cutting out - use of scissors/ pencils

Cutting and sticking choosing faces from magazines


Creative Development

Self portraits, draw your family

Develop independence with Creative Workshop using paint/printing/collage or paper (see activity plans)


Hands, feet, shoes,

Cutting and sticking

- Collage

faces, baby items from catalogues, clothes


Music - Songs about ourselves

Letters and sounds – instrumental sounds


Carla x

How on earth did you manage that? Weren't the parents a bit anxious?

Fortunately Cait I have a very small class of Reception children and one parent came with each child. I am very very lucky to have great supportive parents - it doesn't happen with every cohort though! don't know if I will be quiet so lucky this year. I should mention one of my parents is a radiographer so it all helped!



thtas a fnatastic idea and something the kids wont forget in a hurry! i love coming on here when my brain is all dried and shrivvelled up and then i read all these ideas! :o

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