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Just got home to find the envelope I have been waiting for and I am smiling and bursting to tell anyone who will listen.................... I got a 2:1 which I am thrilled with xD:(:( .


A very special thank you to all of you who helped me along the way I really couldnt have done it without you.

If you requested a copy of my research can you let me know if you still want to see it, sadly I didn't do as well as I had hoped and got `15 % less than my average mark but I am happy to share it with those who took part and were interested.


Thank you all again. (word of warning I am starting EYPS in September so look out :o )

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Many many congratulations, Wendles - a 2:1 is just brilliant!


Would love to see a copy of your research report - always interested in other people's research!


Hope you're planning your celebrations - you really deserve it!



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Well done to you, I got a 2.2 and am well chuffed! A huge, massive thanks to all of you for all the help and support although I think I may of thanked you all before, when I finished the last assignment. I was one mark of a 2.1 but hey I can't be disappointed with all of my commitments I cannot believe I have done it!!!

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Well done to you, I got a 2.2 and am well chuffed!

Woohoo! Well done you! What a clever bunch we all are!


Hope you're still celebrating, shirel!



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Guest lucyevans

Fantastic!! You must be so excited :-))) I will be starting the final year of ECS degree in September.


There is going to be a new 5th pathway for ECS degree graduates...

http://www.cypnow.co.uk/bulletins/Daily-Bu...C-DailyBulletin (last sentence)






Just got home to find the envelope I have been waiting for and I am smiling and bursting to tell anyone who will listen.................... I got a 2:1 which I am thrilled with xD:(:( .


A very special thank you to all of you who helped me along the way I really couldnt have done it without you.

If you requested a copy of my research can you let me know if you still want to see it, sadly I didn't do as well as I had hoped and got `15 % less than my average mark but I am happy to share it with those who took part and were interested.


Thank you all again. (word of warning I am starting EYPS in September so look out :o )

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