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I have just about finished an essay on Behaviourism and relating aspects of this approach to work in Early Years Settings - the pro's and cons etc


But I have been told I need to be more explicit in stating which aspects of the EYFS relate to behaviourism.


I was given an alternative example that - if I was explaining Highscope, I would relate aspects to a Cognitive Piagetien model.


Please help - all you clever EYFS folks - now have writer's block and just cannot get my head around this any further. :o

Edited by pickle
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Hi Hun


From what I can remember, behaviourist believe that children are empty vessels waiting to be filled, i.e. they are not co-constructors of their own knowledge. Therefore, I don't really see how they would relate to the EYFS for example, as whilst the early years sector is not as advanced as social constructivists yet, the EYFS does focus the child at it's centre. Perhaps you could google behavourists, as you can get some good reading subject without having to go the journal route.


Hope this helps


Michelle x

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Mybook on "Psychological Development in Early Childhood" says that


"The behaviourist approach considered how the environments that people live in influence their behaviour. Learning was defined by any relatively permanent change in behaviour produced by environmental events"


In the section on behaviourism it discusses Pavlov's classical conditioning and Skinner's operant conditioning so if you do a search on those two you might find some more info.


I think behaviour management can be very influenced by it.


I hope this helps

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