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Hi everyone


I am desperate - could any practitioners fill out a questionnaire as regards to Superhero play in their setting - Thinking about if its allowed or not allowed etc.,? -


I would happily email to everyone who is willing. Or if their is an easier way on here then happy to hear about that too.


Nearly finished my BA - but need more practitioner input in order to analyse arguements for and against. No names will be mentioned - you just need to put your Sex down (happy to also hear from as many male practitioners as poss as this will be a plus).


Once I have analysed the information the copy will be destroyed!


Please and pretty please!!!!


Thanks in advance (feeling pretty stressed with it all)

Posted (edited)

Not sure how but you could always upload the document to your thread so people can download it. I would be happy to help if you PM it to me :o


samfrostie xD

Edited by samfrostie
Not sure how but you could always upload the document to your thread so people can download it.

If you're not sure how to do it you could email it to me and I'll do it but its fairly straightforward and then you wouldn't need to send it out individually. People could just fill it in whenever they want to and PM it to you!


Anyway, PM it to me and by all means I'll fill it in for you!




Hi Littleantics - PM this to me also, I have time now to fill this in and it is one of the many areas I am interested in also.


Hi everyone


I am desperate - could any practitioners fill out a questionnaire as regards to Superhero play in their setting - Thinking about if its allowed or not allowed etc.,? -


I would happily email to everyone who is willing. Or if their is an easier way on here then happy to hear about that too.


Nearly finished my BA - but need more practitioner input in order to analyse arguements for and against. No names will be mentioned - you just need to put your Sex down (happy to also hear from as many male practitioners as poss as this will be a plus).


Once I have analysed the information the copy will be destroyed!


Please and pretty please!!!!


Thanks in advance (feeling pretty stressed with it all)


Just seen you have 2 topics on the go! I'll merge them together for you. I would suggest you upload the document though, so that you're not having to email lots of people. :o


Prob not much help to you but my county EYFS team run courses on it - 'superhero play' haven't attended it but it explores and understands the reasons why children need to incorporate super hero play into their games. I could ask the fsf members in my county forum if they've been on it and have notes?




Woooooow thats quite in depth and going to need more than a 10 minute sit down. Will get it back to you as soon as!

Hi everyone


I am desperate - could any practitioners fill out a questionnaire as regards to Superhero play in their setting - Thinking about if its allowed or not allowed etc.,? -


I would happily email to everyone who is willing. Or if their is an easier way on here then happy to hear about that too.


Nearly finished my BA - but need more practitioner input in order to analyse arguements for and against. No names will be mentioned - you just need to put your Sex down (happy to also hear from as many male practitioners as poss as this will be a plus).


Once I have analysed the information the copy will be destroyed!


Please and pretty please!!!!


Thanks in advance (feeling pretty stressed with it all)


Would be happy too, just pm me the questionnaire.

Hi everyone


I am desperate - could any practitioners fill out a questionnaire as regards to Superhero play in their setting - Thinking about if its allowed or not allowed etc.,? -


I would happily email to everyone who is willing. Or if their is an easier way on here then happy to hear about that too.


Nearly finished my BA - but need more practitioner input in order to analyse arguements for and against. No names will be mentioned - you just need to put your Sex down (happy to also hear from as many male practitioners as poss as this will be a plus).


Once I have analysed the information the copy will be destroyed!


Please and pretty please!!!!


Thanks in advance (feeling pretty stressed with it all)


Would be happy too, just pm me the questionnaire.

Woooooow thats quite in depth and going to need more than a 10 minute sit down. Will get it back to you as soon as!



Really not good at this - how do you PM someone? I know its a little bit larger than some - but would appreciate even a sentence in each - just ask that you can do what you can really.



Thanks - really appreciate it!

Hi everyone


I am desperate - could any practitioners fill out a questionnaire as regards to Superhero play in their setting - Thinking about if its allowed or not allowed etc.,? -


I would happily email to everyone who is willing. Or if their is an easier way on here then happy to hear about that too.


Nearly finished my BA - but need more practitioner input in order to analyse arguements for and against. No names will be mentioned - you just need to put your Sex down (happy to also hear from as many male practitioners as poss as this will be a plus).


Once I have analysed the information the copy will be destroyed!


Please and pretty please!!!!


Thanks in advance (feeling pretty stressed with it all)



Woooooow thats quite in depth and going to need more than a 10 minute sit down. Will get it back to you as soon as!

I agree - that's a huge body of opinion you're asking for. It will take me some time to think about the questions, let alone the answers! :o


I'm also a bit confused about the colouring in pictures - is that part of what you want us to do? I have to say we don't do colouring in pictures, so that would be a bit of a non-starter I'm afraid.


When is the deadline for getting the questionnaire back to you?




I can't open it on my notebook but will try and do it at the weekend if you can wait that long


Hi all


Thank you so much to those of you giving this a try. It is quite a big document - but my tutor had some hand in this!!!! - I did origionally just have a tick type list and a little box asking for opinions - but she wanted me to extend the questioning to ensure practitioners etc., were able to fully express their views - little did she know the types of views that would come back about the document size - sorry guys, but really really grateful.


Thank you also for uploading it here on the site so that others can access. I suppose I will get used to the terms PM me at some point - still not sure how to do this Anyone?


Also with regards pictures - dont worry about these have lots - questions fine - so thanks all of you.


Busy sitting here on a lovely summer afternoon - trying to put everything into context and chapter and verse so to speak.


Have loved studying for BA - would recommend, but really time consuming alongside family, job and work life balance overall.


If any of you ever need help - then please do not hesiate to contact me and I shall appear!


pm stands for private message. To do this if you click on a members name you get a drop down menu. One of the options is 'send a message'. Click on this and it will take you to your messaging page and you just type in this the same way as you would for replying to a thread. :o

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