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Bear Hune Outdoors


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Our children are really loving the Bear Hunt Story and we would like to continue it outdoors. At the moment I have thought of putting a toy dog in a bag with some swishy sticks ( to represent the grass )


Do any of you lovely people have any more suggestions. We have a hill and a bridge and tyres - how can I include them?



Thanks Sunshine :o

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Hi, we covered this a few weeks ago and the children made each part of the story in the creative room out of various materials.

Material in all shaeds of green cut up and stuck to card to walk through.

River - large sheets of paper painted with rollers and collage stuck on (flat)

Snowstorm - Large box painted white and crepe paper hanging from the top on both sides to crawl through. then they made snowflakes to stick all over it.

Mud - flat paper painted withtwigs, leaves etc glued on

forest - Like snowstorm with large box and lots of leaves made from the children mixing paint then material and crepe paper hanging from the top. We made the cave from an igloo style tent with black covers over it and a cuddly teddy inside.

(Have I forgotten something?)

The children had a great time making it. It only lasted a week outside as it rained and all the paint ran but it was good fun

Hope this helps


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There's a brilliant powerpoint for Bear Hunt topic explored by a school up in Orkney, Scotland- they did loads outside for weeks, it was the basis for an early years conference workshop I recently attended on sensory experiences and had lots and lots of ideas, most of them which could be easily transferred to the outdoors considering how messy they got!

we're going on a bear hunt ppoint

Edited by ExtraordinaryChicken
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We are doing this next week - Mon - going on the school field to run on grass and roll and feel it (we don't have grass in Nur garden), Tue - wellies on and wading through water on builders' trays - last time the wellies came off and we all sat in it!! Wed - the chidlren are all bringing a bucket of mud to Nursery and to feel all day on the builders' tray, Thu - we are going around school to make tree rubbings, Fri - we are making sparkly bottles using glycerin and glitter and whisking up snow flakes on builders' tray to make snow to feel. Making a display alongside each day for each part. Got a lot of ideas from somewhere but not sure where? Used Little book of Dance's Bear hunt dance as well

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Thanks for all those replies. I was wonderinf if we could make any props for the younger children like - swishy swashy sticks ( maybe use the hoola tyskirts, cut up and attacher to small sticks )


any more ideas?



Is there any music about the Bear Hunt , or any similar music you could use?

I'm not at all musical!! :o



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glad you like the powerpoint, thought was about time I gave something back but sadly I cannot take the credit for it.... but really wish I worked somewhere that was so freely and amazingly creative- simply the outdoor environment is breathtaking and to think that the children could access it so seemingly freely makes me so jealous as I stand in our pokey garden with only a tree allowed to stay up when we aren't using our village hall! Also, can you imagine the sheer look of horror on some parents faces (everywhere has them!) if they saw their children rolling around in the paint and painting each others faces- not even with face paint! shock horror!! :o

look to see if sparklebox has something on bear hunt props to print out and I'm sure there was a post somewhere on here about a Bear Hunt music cd!?? someone more knowledgeable will be along soon...if not you could quite easily put a range of classical music onto a cd to reflect the different emotions and environments of the bear hunt, am thinking some of the music off peter and the wolf would be good in parts

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The presentation and other ideas are great. Our children have been really interested in the bear hunt this week. so some really good ideas to pinch here.

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