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Help With Tasc Day!


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Hi all, I am having to plan for a TASC day at school with parents coming in to observe/join in!! I am stuck for ideas and how to approach this with 30 reception children. Does anyone have any great ideas or have done something similar they could give advice? Hope this makes sense.

Many Thanks

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Guest LornaW

TASC is Thinking Actively in a Social Context


Difficult in one way with EY but in another way it is often how we work all the time but without the wheel.


Have you looked at the work of Belle Wallace?


I found these ideas on the Kent website


Ideas from Early Years

•Save incy wincy spider

•Our garden centre

•How many legs?

•The gingerbread people’s day out

•A birthday party

All these ideas are explained in more detail in ‘The Early Years Handbook’ by Max de Boo (available from the ASE)


Transporting teddies


•Balloon cars

•Balloon races

•Hot air balloon

•Boat in gutter

•Trundle cars

•Flick planes


•Coke bottle rockets




You could be the scribe to record their thoughts and ideas and then their findings.

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Afternoon - when are you doing your TASC day? I have Belle Wallace's book that details how to complete a tasc wheel in the Early Years - I can lend it to you by post but don't know if it will get to you in time.

Let me know and I can send it.



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I am doing it at the end of the month!! But am moving house too. Thank you so much for your kind offer but would not want to lose it!! Thanks xxxx

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We had a TASC training and now use the EY version of TASC - to be honest it's very similar to plan, do, review.


- generate - how many ideas can i think of?

- implement - lets do it!

- evaluate - -how well did I do?

- communicate - let's tell someone


Since we started using TASC - some teachers have been really enthusiastic, others have enjoyed it but said it doesn't work well for absolutely everything. In year R we thinking it was just what we would do anyway so it makes it quite easy for us! :o


I've made it up as a publisher file otherwise i'd upload it - i will try and convert it.

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That's interesting SP61HJ - didn't realise there was an early years version - we had a big push on using TASC in my previous setting but always felt it wasn't quite right for early years and that simpler plan-do-review format was more appropriate. Problem was when you're in a school setting you don't alwyas want to be saying we can't do that in early years or we need to do something different.

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Well it wouldn't go into word but have managed to copy it into Powerpoint so here you go.




I hope it is useful :o


That's interesting SP61HJ - didn't realise there was an early years version - we had a big push on using TASC in my previous setting but always felt it wasn't quite right for early years and that simpler plan-do-review format was more appropriate. Problem was when you're in a school setting you don't alwyas want to be saying we can't do that in early years or we need to do something different.


We had the inset in the autumn term i think, and the person leading it has done lots of work with Belle Wallace. She said that the 8 wheel version would be too complicated for EY, and I agree. Some schools have built on that in year 1 and used 6 sections then working towards the full wheel in year 2 but that is just how different schools have adapted it.

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