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Not Recognising Numerals

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I have a child in my reception class who is still not recognising any numerals. I have been told to write an IEP to support him but I am an NQT and I am not sure what to do to support him in the best way.


Any help would be brilliant. Thanks


Have you tried sensory learning with numerals cut out of sandpaper or drawing numerals with his finger in gloop or with pva glue in a tube where he can sprinkle glitter or sawdust or whatever on.


If he does 2 lots of number 2, 3 lots of number 3 etc.


Can he fill an outline of each number with chocolate buttons - and he can eat the buttons if he can tell you the numeral? (persuasive bribing)


Is it just numbers or does he find it hard to recognise sounds too?


We use precision teaching to help - it's very focussed and really made a difference when my TA used it last year with some children in my year two class that weren't recognising many words or numbers. We have just started to use with the children who don't know their numbers up to 10. It's a minute a day so is really manageable and could be used alongside other things like Cait mentioned.


at welcome time we talk about what date it is and I get the children to use their magic fingers and draw the number in the air as we verbalise the name.




golly are you meant to do all those in a minute! What age range are they geared at!?!?!?


The book starts of with very simple ones how many candles on each cake (numbers up to 6) how many spots on the ladybird, if you can see a six on a dice what number is on the bottom? moving onto numbers then addition subtraction multiplication division shape time .......

Yes you need to complete them in a minute before moving onto the next sheet but with practise children can complete them much faster. I use them with reception to Y4 but some of the sheets would suit older children if they were struggling with basics.

Guest tinkerbell

Thanks for that Marion I have ordered both books.

I teach r and some yr1 and these books look like they will pin point some of the children's areas that need a little extra help.




Thanks for the responses. I will look at those books and try some more physical approaches too. Will let you know how it goes.

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