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Pudsey Has Left The Building!

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Thanks everyone for your contributions to our children in need challenge. We did indeed pass our target and bankrupt half the membership at the same time. :D


Perhaps someone clever (steve?) could work out roughly what we should have raised through our pledges?


Aplogies to anyone trying to post any serious threads yesterday, Im sure between us we will bring them back to attention over the weekend.

(not that Im suggesting our story wasnt serious....I did think we should publish as the first official FSF story....now any budding artists out there?)


Hey, Baby!!


We're good enough as we are, though it could be good publicity! Even I couldn't make much sense of that lot,... though.....give me time....................?


Not quite bankrupt yet.... oops!! Never know who is listening!



Sue :D


Well done Mundia and the rest of you - stamina and commitment shown by all :)


I'll have a crack at working out the scores during the weekend if no-one else wants the job. Reckon it to be roughly 200 posts * 10p each though! :o


well I reckon that must be £20 then for those of us that pledged 10p per post.


Here's that link again just in case you want to pay it online.


donate here


It also gives details of other ways to make your donations by phone, bank, or post office.


Thanks again all both for the good natured spirit and of course the cash for Children In need


An enjoyable, worthwhile if a bit daft way to spend a bit of Friday night... donation is on the way !...... now back to the serious stuff !


moi aussi

I've done my bit

thanks mundia for poinitng us in the right direction

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