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HI im just wondering if anyone can offer me some advice , for some time now we have been completing learning journeys for each child with some lovely observations links to dev matters etc, im just wondering we currently on a half termly basis send out a learning journey review for parents including the childrens likes intersets strengths and planned next step, the only problem im concerned about is that i feel they are quite general in fact we only really put one or two next steps down and dont always have one for each area. Im just interested to what other settings use and if they plan a next step for each child under each area each half term. We do currently plan for individual next steps through daily observations planned and these often change from week to week. Im so sorry im just getting confused with it all . Just about to go off on Mat leave too so want to leave all my staff feeling confident with what we are doing.

Many thanks in anticipation.



Maternity leave - oh congratulations and good luck!


Your current system sounds very similar to ours and has had the 'thumbs up' from our EYAT. However, we do include all areas.




Thanks for that so i suppose i do need to be completing a form with all the areas on it, god i am getting myself all confused !!! Must be my hormones!!!! :o


congratulations, how exciting for you.

This is an area I too struggle with, although you have put it much better than I did !

I just find sometimes the next steps are so obvious, and sometimes there really isn't any, or it's me being me. I have nothing to blame :o

I'll just keep plodding on with it,

enjoy your leave and hope all goes well,



congratulations, how exciting for you.

This is an area I too struggle with, although you have put it much better than I did !

I just find sometimes the next steps are so obvious, and sometimes there really isn't any, or it's me being me. I have nothing to blame :o

I'll just keep plodding on with it,

enjoy your leave and hope all goes well,




I know exactly how you feel i just sometimes feel that i write things just for the sake of writing something, and yes just sometimes i feel there isnt any at all children are just enjoying themselves engaging in their play. Wouldnt it be brilliant if there was a pack we were all given with everything we need. Thanks for your support this is my second little one and am just looking forward to a little time out enjoying my own life instead of working in my own time 24/7 .

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