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Please help, I need to make my first attempt at making some play dough for my setting.


Does anyone have a really good recipe for play dough? (I've found some reciples on Google but which is the best?)

Is it better with or without oil? Is it best kept in the fridge or in the cupboard?


I've always found the cooking one is best using cream of tartar, but instead of using a saucepan on the cooker to heat, just add hot water to the mix. Also we found that blue powder paint let off a horrible smell when used with playdough mix :o We used to store in the fridge, but trial and error with recipes and how to store is what makes EY's work so much fun. xD:(




hi some activity ideas to use with playdough : all theses will need be laminated , bug mats spiders , snakes , catterpillars,worms, number mats with number written on and stickers match number, birthday cards with cakes cases candels dry wipe mark pen supplied for children to mark make ,alphabetical mats see if children find the first letter of their name., shape mats circle, rectangle square traingle ets so children can go round the outlines ,you can ask if they can see any other shapes in the room that match , if so how many . Our children love all these things best one is the birthday cards and cake cases , another tip though we now use those plastic cake case as we got through so many of the paper ones you can also add little cake decorations .


I'm always successful with the no-cook play dough.


Thanks for your replies :o - I will have a go with cream of tartar Peggy.


Thanks for all your ideas bubblybee - I will have a go at making some laminated pictures - I do love the idea of cake cases and sprinkes but a bit worried it may encourage our one and two year olds to eat it (one little girl in particular seems to have developed quite a taste for playdough.


Thanks again everyone.


Look on Sparklebox for some play dough cards before you spend too long making your own. There are some great ones on there, though it depends how many ink cartridges you want to use!


Hi heres a few play dough receipies and other thing including gloup, ect hope it helps. The face paint is fab used it a few weeks ago and foung that children that are usualy allergic to it weren't with this receipie.





Thanks Harricroft and BNVPS


I will have a go at these - they look fab

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