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Food Assembly

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We have to perform our first assembly - Reception class - in a couple of weeks. We have been doing a topic on Food. I'm in a Catholic school, so our assemblies have to have a religious link. I've thought about doing the story of the Loaves and Fishes with the children acting it out, but need something more to 'pad it out'. I'm trying to think of a good story about sharing possibly? Or any other way to link to the Bible story. We have done the story of The Little Red Hen in the past and talked about helping each other, so I don't really want to do this.


Anyone out there got ANY ideas - other bible stories or links would be equally interesting.


I had thought possibly about food from around the world - Thanking God for the variety, links to children who don't have food.

OR healthy food (though we've done this in the past - acting out the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar)


Harricroft xx

I've gone through all the questionnaires received back from the parents and devised this letter, could you let me know if you think it is ok/appropriate etc please?


Responses to January 2009 Questionnaire



There are quite a few references to food in the bible. I'll keep thinking about food songs! hehe


food references


paste them here - better than their links which seem a bit bizarre!


Thanks Cait. Beginning to have second thoughts and thinking I might do something on Baptism instead which has been a focus in our RE lessons. At least I can think of a relevant hymn - I belong to the family of God.




Have you looked at




you can search for key words and it gives you songs and prayers etc


We've spent all week doing 'currant buns' (but I hope to do a thread on that) The RE I did was related to 'Thank you for...' We listed the ingredients, and then where they came from, then where that came from until we got to God. At the end we said a prayer Thankyou for flour, sugar, eggs, currants, margarine. Thankyou God for our currant buns.


Thank you for flour, Thank you for wheat, Thank you for the sun and rain, Thank you God


Of course you would need to bake currant buns :o


Of course you would need to bake currant buns


What a lovely idea biccy

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