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Early Years Pro Status?


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Good afternoon everyone,

I have a little question for you. I am currently a nursery teacher in a prep school. I have a degree in drama and education and 3 years experience with 3-4 year olds. I have been told that I may need to get another qualification. Ideally, I would like to do a PGCE or a GTP however at the moment I need to continue in the job that I am in. I have been looking into EYPS which looks excellent but because my degree is not in early years I may have to do it full time-in that case I may aswell do a PGCE. Any ideas???? What exactly is an NVQ 6! Would this be worth my while?


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i didnt think you had to have a degree in early years to do this. you just have to have degree level. you would need to gain more 0-3 experience i would assume. but i havent done it and im sure someone will come along soon who has!

could you do flexi pgce or gtp in your current position?

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I could do however a lot of universities have said that it would be difficult doing a GTP with a full time position. It may be possible if I only did mornings. I will apply for a EYPS I think and see what happens! Thank you Lucie, x

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To gain EYPS status if you hold a degree in a unrelated subject you can do the long pathway not the full pathway which is 15 months have you chceked out a providers website if you click on www.emdirect.co.uk this tells you all about the different options and routes

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