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Accidentsand Incidents Policy

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Hi we're having trouble updating our accidents and incidents policy in line with EYFS. We are also trying to fir into te policy about RIDDOR reports and a bit about what to do if a child bites or is bitten. It would be helpful if someone could attach their policy to help give us some ideas. Thanks and Merry Christams!

  Starburst said:
Have you tried the new PSLA policies?

Can definitely recommend them: all neatly colour coded to correspond with the principles of the EYFS and cross referenced to the welfare requirements!




What are these and where would i find these and do they cost money!!!

Posted (edited)

You can buy these from PLA Policies and procedures, have given the link for the non member site, if you are a member you can get them cheaper at £12.60.


You get access to them on line in word format so you can edit and change them to fit your own setting, as well as emails to tell you of any updates or changes to them so you can go on line and download the latest policies.


Must agree with Maz, they are worth every penny.



Edited by Inge
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