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something interesting came up when we were practising our fire drill today, we have all got a role to play as staff and i was explaining the roles to the children once all outside and reassured and accounted for by the register, i held the phone to my ear and said who would i need to phone if there was a real fire in the building, 2 out of 13 said a fire man then i asked what number i needed to call to speak to the fireman not one child answered (most of them were 3 plus)it may have been that some knew but didn't want to call out but i made a note of my findings on the daily board for the parents and i am going to ask the children again soon if they know who to call! this then sparked off role play and a table set up for answering the 'emergency phone' the fire helmets and hose pipes etc. i know that we do'nt want to put fear into children but i'm sure with my own children i covered this when they were very young especially as i was very good at setting the somke alarm off when cooking dinner so had to do lots of practises (my sister always said if it goes off, go through the whole process of the drill otherwise the children will just ignore it! this was one time i listened to my sister!!!) well i've waffled on but thought i'd share this as it may be of use to others!


Might there be a bit of confusion? I only recently discovered that it's a different number from a mobile phone - or am I just dreaming?


The telephone number 112 is the international emergency telephone number for GSM mobile phone networks.


It does not necessarily work on mobile phone networks based on other technologies.


In all European Union countries it is also the emergency telephone number for both mobile and fixed-line telephones.


been an alternative number here for at least 5 years....


Just to confuse everyone!




One Friday we had been reading a book that explained who we called in an emergency and how, following a fire drill. The next Monday one of the parents, looking rather embarrassed, told us that her 3 year old had dialled 999 that weekend and they had some explaining to do!

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