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Early Years Capital Grant

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Has anyone had any funding from their local authority for this grant for 08/09?


Our LA has 3 pots we can access - building improvements, outdoor spaces and ICT. All PVI settings were able to apply. The initial application has gone in for buildings and outdoor. We should have a feasibility visit in the next 2 weeks, then the detailed application has to be in early December. The time scales were very short - 3 weeks from the information roadshow but luckily we already had projects in mind.


We too received forms with a very short amount of notice re these funds


Theres monies for building, indoor enhancements and outdoor enhancements for the EYFS and ICT.


Our forms had to be in by yesterday.


Decisions being made today with us knowing around mid Nov if we are lucky enough to be getting help!


In our Borough we are being advised to come up with our 'wishlist' so that when the paperwork hits our doormats we know what to spend it on! Apparently its taking a very long time to get through the Council cabinet procedures - but I'm hopeful it will turn up sometime after Christmas!


So I'm busily planning... what are you going to use yours for?




submitted mine last week will find out sometime in Nov keeping everything crossed



Seems like each LA is doing htings differently Ours has 3 million to award to PVI groups over the next 3 years. We are aiming to applly for approx £30,000 to build and equip an outdoor area. Plus we have a wishlist of smaller equipment.

Our EY's are aiming to meet 2 a term to allocate funding to applicants with thefrist meeting in Dec.

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