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Rumbold Report 1990

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I am trying to find a copy of a summary of the Rumbold Report to use in my uni module. I have searched the net for age, got links to all sorts but I would just like the summary, and am not having much luck.


Anyone got one or know where i can get it. Its slowly driving me mad






Ah those were the days! Funnily enough I think i threw my copy of 'Starting with Quality' out only a week or two ago when I was having a clear out. Is there a copy of the report in your library at Uni? I've no idea where you can find a summary but I think that if you read the beginning and the conclusion, and look at the headings, you will get an idea of what it was about.


Thanks Maz I had found that, looks like its the one I will have to go with. finding it difficult to get back into the frame of mind to study had to much fun and free time I think

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