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Bonfire Night - Exciting Activities (being Observed!)


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Hi - any fantastic ideas for bonfire night activities (Reception) would be gratelly recieved - we are having our inspection that week so could do with some whizz bang (pardon the pun) ideas for both fociused teaching / adult led activities. We talked to the chdn last week to find out what they alraedy knew - hoping to use this as a starting point - but not much response!!!! so the world our lobster as they say. thnaks guys xxxx

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have you ever tried making fire work pictures with salad spinners. You need black paper cut into circles which fit inside the salad spinner. Provide the children with paint, spoons, glitter and let them drop spoons of different colour paint onto the paper. They can add glitter too. Then pop the lid on and let the children turn the handle. You get the most wonderful firework pictures. Its also great for children who don't like getting messy.

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oops, I think I just posted in the wrong section. Sorry fluffy! I have added a suggestion but I added it to the bonfire thread. I will get the hang of this one day.........

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oops, I think I just posted in the wrong section. Sorry fluffy! I have added a suggestion but I added it to the bonfire thread. I will get the hang of this one day.........


Its okay, I've moved your post into this thread so panic over. :o

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Love that idea - now where to find (at least 4!!!!!) salad spinners!!!! Any suggestions???


Hi fluffy, pop a notice up on your parents notice board. Lots of people have salad spinners but buy ready washed and prepared salad. Good luck with the observation! mrsW

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Have you thought about involving drama - acting out the building and lighting of bonfire, can then include safety, clothing etc and then pretend to be fireworks - great for leading into language, onomatapeoia's? (never can spell that word!) and alliteration.


If you can't get salad spinners you can use round trays with marbles and paint then sprinkle with glitter.


Hope it all goes well!

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seen on TV, put a mint into a bottle of coca cola for an 'explosive' reaction xD


also recall being shown a bicarbonate (spl) soda and film canister rocket but can't remember how it's done, maybe someone else will. :o



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Hi, its given me a great idea to do a lovely display for bonfire night. As regard any other ideas i might have what about making firework from kitchen rolls using different resources. You could talk about the safety of fireworks and then with adult help let the children overwrite about we should be so careful on bonfire night. 0258 x

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Hi - any fantastic ideas for bonfire night activities (Reception) would be gratelly recieved - we are having our inspection that week so could do with some whizz bang (pardon the pun) ideas for both fociused teaching / adult led activities. We talked to the chdn last week to find out what they alraedy knew - hoping to use this as a starting point - but not much response!!!! so the world our lobster as they say. thnaks guys xxxx


Hi you could: get children to build a bonfire with different hot coloured materials on black, the think of words to describe the sound of fireworks going of in the nightsky, whizz, bang, crackle , zoooooooooom, you could link to letters and sounds and ask children if long sounds or short sounds, at the same time I would link all my activities on offer to fireworks giving the children the chance to make 3D fireworks out of junk modelling and decorate talk about shape, sound ext... covers both KUW and maths as well as creative and cll.


sing: 10 little fireworks standing in a line 1 zoomed off and then there were ?

9 little fireworks standing in a line 1 whizzed of and then there were?

choose whatever words you want to describe how the fireworks shoot off or get children to choose, I would also give children the opportunity to find the number to show how many are left, use children as the fireworks. If you dont have 1-10 firewords laminated then you can download from www.sparklebox.co.uk


Im a little firework short and round, light me up and watch me spin round, arms out spinning ...........tune of im a little tea pot

Im a little tea pots tall and straight light my fuse and watch me bang/whiz, crackle and zoom just change words to meet yr needs

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Science experiments for Bonfire night

1. Fill a plate with full fat milk and in the centre put a drop of 3 different food colourings. Dont let them touch though. Then put some washing up liquid on a cotton bud stick thingy and put it int he centre of the plate. The colours will magically mix together very rapidly sirling round to make pretty patterns.

2. Make a catherind wheel by inserting a metal nut into a balloon, blow it up and tie. Then whizz it round and round and listen to the screeching noise that it makes when the nut whizzes around the inside - great noise!

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seen on TV, put a mint into a bottle of coca cola for an 'explosive' reaction xD


also recall being shown a bicarbonate (spl) soda and film canister rocket but can't remember how it's done, maybe someone else will. :o




Peggy, sounds great, how big is the 'explosive' reaction? mrsW

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Can go as high as 5'. For best results you need to use coca cola and mentos.

Thanks Rufus, did not expect it to be that big! I know some of my children will love that (especially the two children I have at home, 15 and 11).


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Thought I'd share photo's of an interactive wall display I did last year based on rockets and mathematical / positional language.


All you need is rocket shaped card, string, drawig pins and display board. The children enjoyed moving the rockets along the strings or pegging the numbered rockets in sequence 1-5 or countdown 5,4,3,2,1. whilst staff encouraged the use of the language.








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