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Hi Everyone!


Feels like an age since I was last on here but owing to finances, have been unable to renew my subs. Things are slowly getting back to normal, so here I am!


I think the last time I posted, was to gauge opinions on baby names for my unborn son. Well... Daniel was born 11th June at 9lbs 4ozs, a little brother to Natalie. He is the most wonderful little boy in the world and I can't really believe I was so worried about having a boy xD . He is generally "good", although is still waking me 2-3 times through the night. He is one hungry baby. All the time!


Natalie has just started school (another thread on here) and seems to be doing really well although we are only three weeks in. I ws expecting her to cling to me, and beg me not to leave her, but she just sauntered into her class and started an argument within 2 minutes of being there :( . She seems to be settling well now though.


In other news, I succesfully completed my FD and graduated in July. Other than the day I had both my children, that had to be the best day of my life. I'm not working at the moment though, as Daniel is still so little and with Natalie in school, I wanted to be around for this first year. I have decided to do GCSE maths this year at evening college with a view to finishing my degree next year. I had Daniel right at the end of the course, but still had the dreaded dissertation to hand in. Needless to say, it went in late and I was chuffed to finish my degree and have a baby at the same time.


I have decided that I want to move into teaching, so will be looking next September as to the possibility of a TA job (hopefully in Natalie's school). I am trying hard to keep in the loop as far as early years are concerned though and have ordered tons of stuff from Teachernet to keep me busy!


I'm off for a good look round now, to refamiliarise myself with the forum and all you lovely people. But in the meantime, what did I miss? :o


Lovely to hear from you Clare, I have often wondered about you as we started the FD at the same time - well done and congratulations for everything you have achieved!

A very warm welcome to Daniel too.


Good to have you back! :oxD


Welcome back Clare and double congratulations! What a busy summer you have had. xD You will have a lot of posts to catch up on - I hope Daniel sleeps alot in the day. :o


Hello Clare, great to have you back :(

The name Daniel always reminds me of my nephew and Elton John :o:(

Congratulations, can't think of anything else more rewarding than having a baby AND finishing a dissertation at the same time.


Natalie at 'big' school as well, your smile must have been continuously beaming over the last few months (and yawning a few times as well, I can imagine xD )


What have you missed? What haven't you missed would be easier to answer :wacko: :(




Welcome back Clare, I've missed you! But I suppose you do have a good excuse...many many congratualtions on the birth of Daniel and on your graduation - what a busy person you've been!


As Peggy says, what HAVEN'T you missed??!! I'll keave you to catch up when you can, in your own time! :o


Welcome back Clare and congratulations on such a busy year, am going for a lie down now just at the thought of having a baby and finishing the FD - respect!


Aw, thanks everyone!


It certainly has been a busy year! Daniel is pretty good sleeping, he naps quite a bit through the day and wakes every 3 hours at night so I'm hoping to fit the maths around that plus school.


I have missed you all too! :o

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