Guest Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 Hi everyone As I am in charge of parental involvement as well as other things, my school improvement plan states I am to come up with a homework policy for the whole school. Any advice or sample policies out there?? Thanks Nicola.
HappyMaz Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 Hi Nicola I'm sure I haven't welcomed you before - so welcome to the Forum. We don't do homework in pre-school so I'm no use to you whatsoever - but I'm sure there will be lots of people with good advice to share! Maz
Susan Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 You might want to investigate government guidelines so maybe standards site would be a place to start or teachernet.
Guest Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Hi! At our school we have used the 'learning logs' approach to homework, which encourages personalised learning. All year groups from the 4+ to year 5 take part and has been really successful. You might be able to find something on the 'learning log' website that might be useful.
wellerkaren Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Hi and welcome, I work in a day nursery so sorry i can not help with this topic
Guest Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 If you search homework policy on google you can see some examples of policies on schools websites.
Guest Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 my children's school have a great homework policy, here it is x Christ Church CE Primary Home support for Learning (Homework) Policy Aim To make all tasks set for home completion purposeful, enjoyable and supportive of learning in school. To ensure that home learning includes both regular practise of key skills and also improves children’s research skills, creativity and self-confidence through more independently managed imaginative tasks. To improve our children’s ability to speak confidently to others by asking them to explain to their friends / class what they have learned through their home projects. School expectations As previously and to continue: • All children will continue to be encouraged to read every evening for pleasure and to improve their vocabulary. Home reading is essential and of huge lifelong benefit; it is always noted that children who do very well in writing and reading in school are those who regularly read at home. Please note that Infant children will not be allowed to change their reading book unless a parent / carer has signed their reading diary! • All children from Reception to Year Six will be given home learning tasks that will practise key skills that can only be learned through this sort of frequent regular daily practise. These will be learning spellings / word lists, handwriting as required, number facts / tables, etc. appropriate to age. Each Year Group will separately detail their particular requirements to parents. It is noticed that children of whatever ability who have clearly practised their multiplication tables and number bonds at home in addition to school have a huge advantage in every area of maths. • All Junior children will be expected to complete corrections at home from their weekly maths summary tests once a week. As the test answers will have been discussed and help / advice / further examples given in school, this should be a useful reinforcement of learning and avoid the problems that can occur as outlined below. New: • Children throughout the school will not be set any other ‘homework sheets’.* If a child can easily complete a worksheet without assistance, they are not learning anything new and so it is not a good use of their time. Indeed, such exercises can lead to children becoming bored and less keen to take an interest in learning. If the worksheet proves too difficult and causes considerable difficulty / upset for parents in terms of extra assistance and explanation needed, then it has not been a positive learning experience for anybody. Worksheets largely completed by parents do not help teachers to decide how well their child is progressing! Naturally, it is the job of the School to ensure that children understand their lessons and this should be determined within school hours. • Instead of ‘worksheets’, all children will be set project tasks to complete once every term (Juniors) /half term (Infants). Each child will be allocated their task based on their particular interests and their teachers’ knowledge of their ability so that every child is challenged to produce age-appropriate imaginative high quality work. Tasks set will be based on a different topic or subject area each time and beyond a basic minimum requirement will be open-ended, so that children can spend time investigating and discovering. They will include a chance to research information and to present it in a variety of ways – for example, a picture, a model, an IT presentation, a dance… • Parents will be issued with a summary sheet at the start of each term explaining the project task for their child and giving clear guidance on expectations. • We recognise that not all children will have home access to the internet and we will arrange for a lunchtime or after-school homework club to provide this support should the children need to use IT for their homework task. Public libraries also provide free internet access. • Our Assistant Heads will monitor the tasks set in their departments to make sure that children are set increasingly demanding tasks as they progress through the School. Assessment • Teachers will assess the ‘regular practise’ weekly tasks through the usual school weekly spelling tests etc. Any particularly excellent results or concerns as to poor results will be communicated to parents through the usual channels including, for the Juniors, comments in the child’s weekly homework diary. • Children’s home projects will be presented to their class / group and teacher on a special day towards the end of each half (Infants) / full (Juniors) term. Infant children will share their projects with their teacher and the class and will have their achievements photographed. Junior children will be expected to explain what they have done and why to their class/group, indicating what they have learned, any problems they faced etc. Using a target sheet that will be issued with the task, their presentation and project work will be evaluated by other children and their teacher. Marks will be awarded by their teacher according to the independent effort made, standards reached and their knowledge of the individual child’s ability. • All children will receive certificates for successfully completing their projects on time. Policy initiated for Easter 2008 – trial period. To be reviewed July 08 * Upper Junior children in Years Five and Six will continue to receive a weekly additional science task as a way of familiarising them with the homework expectations they will face on transfer to the High School; also, the right is reserved to send home some lesson tasks for completion in Year Six if a particular lack of effort on anyone’s part is observed. We anticipate that, based on experience, this will be rare! howmework_presentation.ppt
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