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Planning Nightmare

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Hi all. I'm new to this site but find it really useful. Currently in charge of Reception and Nursery and am the only taecher. I'm struggling to design and amend my planning format to contain all that it should. Could anyone help me by sharing their planning and assessents formats to give me some ideas on how to amend mine. Thanks

Posted (edited)

Sorry, I am struggling to get my head around the fact that you are the only teacher for nursery AND reception!!!?????!!!!! is it a foundation stage unit? I could share my planning with you and the assignment that I produced to go with it...which explains the planning format etc if you like, send me a private message and i'll pass it on x

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Edited by jennyjenkinz
Hi all. I'm new to this site but find it really useful. Currently in charge of Reception and Nursery and am the only taecher. I'm struggling to design and amend my planning format to contain all that it should. Could anyone help me by sharing their planning and assessents formats to give me some ideas on how to amend mine. Thanks

I would love to help you but unfortunately am myself totally confused by what new EYFS wants from us. I'm FS Co-ordinater for Nursery and Reception have attended training for Obs, Assess and Planning for Foundation Stage and when I came out my brain was complete mush. They seem to be saying that medium term planning should be thrown out, we should then observe the children as they arrive and plan what they want! How on earth I will be able to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum and achieve ELG I just don't know. If any one has any good ideas would love to hear from them.



Don't panic! keep in mind what good practice is first and foremost

If you have something that has worked for you don't just ditch it. I will keep my medium term plans as a framework for learning to take place in. It helps me to focus on having resources in place. I do a weekly plan where I think about the children and their needs It is mostly for adult initiated activities. I think the secret is to SHOW that you are using your recent observations either evidenced ones or in your head to plan next steps.My topics are loose deliberately so we can go with the children.My medium term plans suggest POSSIBLE activities and I change them if I feel it is fitting to do so. I am just going to adapt my plans to try to show link between observations and next step activities and then review this. If someone comes along then you can say this is under review, you are trying things out, have they got any suggestions. You will not possibly be able to plan for every individual for every day on an individual interest and follow it through.

Use a list of E.L.G.s and highlight them at the end of every half term to show what you did cover and you will then be able to see any glaring gaps that may appear and don't forget some of these are constantly being covered through your routines and your everyday ethos in how you interact with the children. This sheet can then show how you have monitored your coverage and can see what to focus on if anything is being left out.

Just take a small step at a time when you can't see a way. I'm sure a path will emerge then.


Good advice from Lynn dont just ditch what you have been doing if it works- keep doing it! - things may just need a little tweeking! :o


W have an area sheet which is a simple table of area of classroom, the activity to take place their and the resources needed. On out literacy and numeracyplanning we have the litereacy input and objective, the focus activity and the objective, the related activities, resources, vocab and look, listen and note assessment criteria (taken from the EYFS) To be honest we constantly change our planning formats!!!

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