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Keyworker Systems - Help Needed Please!

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Hi everyone

As newly appointed FS Leader of nursery and reception classes, I have been assigned the glorious job of ensuring that EYFS is implemented effectively from September!

We have no experience of working with the children using the 'key worker' approach and I am desperate for pointers in the right direction!!

How do yours work?

Are members of staff responsible for planning and assesment of their key group?

How do you get together to dicuss findings and next steps?

What does your planning look like?

Do members of staff follow their key children around all day?????


As you can see, I need BASICS!


Here's Hoping!


Nicola xx :o




Hi i have worked in a private day nursery and now i work in a school nursery which has 39 children both morning and afternoon. How we do it is our children are given a colour yellow, green or blue teddy. This is their way and parents way of knowing which key worker their child belongs to. This is then used when the children self register on a morning with their parents the teddy is asleep with their name on they have to turn it round and wake their teddy up. We have three different coloured boxes green etc this is where children put items they want to keep at nursery but need to go home. The children put work that is completed into these boxes. At the end of the session each keyworker goes into a separate part of the nursery with their children and each staff member sees their children to the correct parent. This is the time that the items are given out of the boxes. We use the colours for lots of things when we are leaving the carpet when all 39 have been sat together we choose a colour teddy group at a time to go and get coats on.

We as staff are in charge of keeping 13 am and 13 pm childrens records upto date eg profiles, language observations. But as a team we have a class list with all the childrens names on and whoever is doing the focused activity for the week works their way through the list to call the children to do the activities. The childs name is highlighted for our use in their colour teddy. We help each other doing observations, photos and anything we have seen even if it is not your keyworker and just pass the information onto each other. This works really well for us we work as a team to help each other out. In the cloakroom the childrens coat pegs again are put in colour teddys with their name on. This then just follows on then when the children come into the nursery environment. At the parents evening we explain to the parent about how our keyworker system works. In the info in the folder they are given we put a sticker in the corner green, yellow or blue to let the parent know that that is who their keyworker will be for their child.

I hope this helps.


Need anymore help just ask 0258


we plan the cirriculum as a whole then key carers plan for thier individual key children for group and focus activities. :o


In the school situation, when the LSA is not full time or perhaps not even assigned for sole use and where they are not qualified, the key worker is the teacher.


Hi and welcome

as Fs leader for nursery and reception the key worker system we use is the same as 0258 in the nursery but in reception the key worker system has not been put into plan yet. When i worked in Year R i used to split the children between myself and my TA for plan do and review and I think taht is what I will encourage the teachers to do, but I do not think the TAs will be so willing as to plan like some key workers do in the nursery as they are not 'paid' to plan. Not sure how to get round this one. have to do some more thinking. Although we have asked for them to be paid for an extra half hour at the end of the day to allow everyone to communicate about the children, may not be enough money?


we are a foundation stage unit with 46 full timers and 24 part timers each session.

When we get the new childrens names we allocate them to a member of staff as their key worker. we keep siblings or other family members with different key workers, the child stays with the same keyworker throughout their time in the unit,which can be as much as 8 terms,

(5 terms pat time and 3 as full time). If a child shows a preference for one member of staff they can change their keyworker.

we all do observations on our own children but we also do them for others.

We all plan as a whole but then do the next steps planning for our own keychildren.

We try to allocate children fairly so each keyworker has so many girls /boys /rec /part timers etc so that when the reception move up one person doesnt have all new children .


As a Reception teacher we have just dipped into this. I have 1 full time TA, 1 part time working am and 1 part time working pm. I have split the class in half and my full time TA is keyworker for half and the part time TA's are keyworker for the other half. The only thing we use keyworkers for is observations. My part time TA's are not available before school or after school to do the health and well-being side of keyworkers. I do all the planning and we all do observations but I run the adult directed activity so they observe adult initiated and child initiated activities.

Hope that helps.


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