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Ofsted! Help!


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Hello everyone. I was told on Thursday that Ofsted are coming in on Tuesday to the Nursery and Reception. I am the nursery teacher and it is attached to a preparatory school. Does anyone have any specific advice. The classroom looks good and everything is labelled. My observations and planning are all in place....I just need further advice on what they will be looking for . xx

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Your head should have a better idea tomorrow unless the private sector is very different. They will also be looking to verify the SEF so really depends on what that says. They may at this stage in the school year want to see the value added components of the profile, how you are making those decisions etc and how this will be used by the next teacher.


Good luck, there is far less onus on the classroom teacher now.

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They will want you to show how well you know where the children are at in their learning, where they were when they came to you,the evidence that you have to back this up and how you are moving those children on- what are the next steps to challenge them and support their next level of learning.

Also how you provide for child initiated learning and adult led - is there the appropriate balance?


If, as you say your assessment and planning is all in place, then make sure that they look at it!!! Think of yourself as a salesman for your class - ensure they know that you know what you are doing and that you have it all under control. Show them photos, files etc of evidence of good practice. Also don't be afraid to tell them if there is an area on your action plan that you know needs working on and how you are going about handling it. (eg more work needed on outdoor provision etc.)


I am sure you will do well - just be confident in your own ability!!

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It's over and I survived. Im still in shock as we got outstanding in every single area!!! Im so happy. All of the stress and hard work has been worth it...


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