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Hi, not sure where to post this so if its in the wrong place mods do move it :o


I'm an unqualified teacher working in a school, I am a qualified nursery nurse and also have a degree. I am hoping to start a QTS only route from September.


I'm looking to join a union but having had a look at the ones avaibale I am unsure of which would be the best to join- pann would be the obvious option but I don't want to join up then have to join another one when doing QTS.


I just don't know what catergory I would come under?


Can anyone advise me on what/how to do this?

I'm in the ATL and know they have membership for support staff and unqualified teaching staff as do PAT and I think the NASUWT.


Thats really helpful, thank you. I'll check them out. :o


I know that ATL accepts support members as well as teachers, so I'd definately contact them. I'm a branch committee member now (kind of by accident) and attended union conference recently and I really feel I'm in the right union so I hope you find the right one for you.


I'm not sure where to put you either Jester! :o It's certainly not a training issue though so I'll move you to the Reception/Year 1 General Issues. xD


Aspect are doing lots of advertising at the moment, particularly regarding recruitment of EYPs. They are a well-respected organisation so you might like to check them out. :o

I'm not sure where to put you either Jester! :o It's certainly not a training issue though so I'll move you to the Reception/Year 1 General Issues. xD


Sorry as I said feel free to move it to the most appropriate place!


I will look into Aspect further as I had a reply from NASWT to say that I could only be a member once I'm an actual student so where does that leave me now? :( so stuff em!

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