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How Do You Think Ofsted's Performing?

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:o Ofsted are conducting their annual survey on the satisfaction of both registered childcare providers and parents with the inspection and regulation service. There are questionnaires for newly registered childcare providers, recently inspected childcare providers, and parents of children in childcare settings.


If you'd like your say(!) you can download the forms at www.ofsted.gov.uk.


Closing date for responses is 4 April 2008





:o I think some of you will need extra pages for Q31 Comments - "please use this space to make any comments about your inspection and any other contact you have had with Ofsted over the last 6 months" - there's only 1 line!

I think you may be right, nona!


A good Inspection result, then a 'strange' response to an Issue from a parent - :o


Can anyone tell me what ofsted is doing that is so different from their LEA? As a school we have had a lot of input and feedback which i have found to be more useful than our recent ofsted. Does anyone else think that funds could be directed in a more useful way or am i being cynical?


Did the survey, unfortunately they didn't give you much opportunity to be critical about 'specific' areas I would have liked to comment on.


If I could be in charge of Ofsted I would insist on:-


All Ofsted Inspectors to have worked in a setting (or done at least 1 month's 'top up' time) in the last three years.

They can only inspect settings that they have experience in and with the age group of children they know about e.g. developmental levels etc.


My last inspector was lovely, but the one before that had been an Ofsted Inspector for 20 years, and prior to that had worked in a primary school. By her own admission she didn't have any recent experience with children in a nursery.


Have to agree about Ofsted Inspectors having recent and relevant experience!

One of our team asked the Nursery leader "After you have done a maths observation do you ability group the children?"!!!!!!!!

As for Reception, as Reception Leader they didn't even speak to me about the teaching and learning! All they said was the plannning wasn't easy to follow! We plan activities in all 6 areas of learning in each room of our area! Not rocket science!

I'd like to see Ofsted inspectors lead a phonics session!!!!!!



Hi I must be really thick!!! I cant find the survey on the website at all, I found one about how easy it is to navigate the OfSTED website, so I've commented on that, but cant find the one about OfSTED itself, and I would LOVE to comment on that one!! Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Thanks

Guest Wolfie
Posted (edited)

I totally agree with the suggestion that Ofsted inspectors should have recent and relevant experience - I think that regular placements in settings should be part of their CPD!


Oh, just spotted seashore's first post - welcome to the forum!

Edited by Wolfie

Seashore - welcome! Sorry, but you may have missed your chance as the closing date was 4 April. I wonder if they "pulled it" a day early after I brought it to everyone's attention on here!? :o


Welcome to the Forum seashore!


Aha nona: so Ofsted really are listening - its not only walls that have ears - computer screens do too! :o



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