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Ratios In Reception

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Hi did I read on here that there may be a change in the aduld/child ratios in reception? or am I just not awake yet?? :oxD


in the new EYFS it does say between the hours of 8 and 4 if a qualified EYPS is with the children the ratios can then be 1:13 not sure if this is any help but that is the only changes I have head of. I am sure some of our wise owls will be along with more relevant/useful information soon.


The 8 - 4 section is for registered provision not schools which don't require registration


They might clarify i.e explain it a bit more clearly re PPA etc etc and according to my PNS sources a new edition of the eyfs docs will be published in the summer giving clarification but they can't just change ratios cos they are covered by different legislation and can only be changed by act of parliament. Reception in school hours is 1:30, the 1 being QTS. These are the MINIMUM ratios but it is upto HTs to decide what is the necessary adult numbers. Outside school hours it would be different care so the lower ratios might well apply.


somewhere at work I have my reply/clarifiation from DCSF re cover and ratios for PPA time and if I remember I'll copy it and post here.



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