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Planning Help - Were Going On A Bear Hunt


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Hi - i would be really really really grateful if anybody could share some planning ideas / examples of planning linked around the story - were going on a bear hunt (for nursery children). Many thanks in advance - 1 very tired & brainless :o (at least it feels that way!) practitioner!!!

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We've had so much bumff from the DFES lately that I can't be sure which cdr it was on........

There was a fabulous video clip of lots of lovely bear hunt activities. The one that sprang to mind was using tuff spots outside with different materials in for the children to stomp through in their wellies........ mud, water etc. They also had used the tuff spot to recreate a bear hunt role play scene featuring lots of the areas from the story.


When we did this I used a huge piece of paper and as we did each part of the story the children drew the specific areas, green pens to draw swishy swashy grass, blue for the water - splish splash. Once we had finished we stuck it down to the table and the children roleplayed with a small teddy and sequenced the story - forwards and back (obviously!!! Derrrrr........)

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we took our bear hunt outside...set up the music station to play the bear hunt CD and I have laminated about 5 bears that were hidden in the garden for the children to find. Made binoculars for them to use also. The children had great fun and this lasted for the whole session!!!!!


I've attached some pics for you...





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Fantastic mrsb!


Did the children make their own binoculars? They look so cute searching for the bears - what a good idea!


Slightly of topic - love your outdoor area - and I noticed a pile of piping in one of the pictures. What do you use them for?



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These are mine which we attach around the outside area and other uses-Photos of our laminated set and the word file to print off.Font and text match the book.

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We made a 'story box' using a long printer toner cartridge box.

The children also painted each section of the story for a display.











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thanks for all the responses - they got my brain working again (thank goodness!!!!) & have now planned lots of 'starting points' for activities for next week. This site is the bees knees!!!! :o

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Fantastic mrsb!


Did the children make their own binoculars? They look so cute searching for the bears - what a good idea!


Slightly of topic - love your outdoor area - and I noticed a pile of piping in one of the pictures. What do you use them for?




Hi Maz, yes the children made their own binoculars before going outside. The pile of piping is not very exciting really.....they were from our marquee we used for oustide before it got ruined in the wind. They are waiting for the skip to come!!!!along with the other pile of rubbish!

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Hi - i would be really really really grateful if anybody could share some planning ideas / examples of planning linked around the story - were going on a bear hunt (for nursery children). Many thanks in advance - 1 very tired & brainless :o (at least it feels that way!) practitioner!!!



There's a fab video on You Tube of Michael Rosen performing the Bear Hunt - just him with a white background and it is absolutely brilliant!!!! My 2-3 year olds love it! His facial expressions are brilliant and they are just enthralled and join in - copying his mannerisms and intonations!! I don't know how to do links but if you just get onto You Tube and put in Michael Rosen Bear Hunt it's about the first one that comes up - fab!

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just watched the video..

I have been doing the book that way with the children for years , at least 20.. showing my age now, think it was from when it was a smartie award winner in 1989.


I get then interacting more by having the children repeat each line after me.


they have always loved it and join in, do it themselves and we make up verses using their ideas ...give it a go yourself


(Son said last weekend... you don't have to be mad to be a mum.. but it helps.. )



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Thank you for the binnocular idea. Yesterday a parent dropped off a load of toilet rolls tubes and so we spontaneously began making binnoculars with the children - they absolutely loved them. We then hid some teddy bears in our garden and we went on a bear hunt - it was such a success.


thanks again for the brilliant idea. I'll add to it next time they as to go hunting and use the 'prompts' for the story, for which i thank you also.


Sam X

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Guest whizzbang

hi ya

just a quick response - my kids loved the you tube video - check out james blunt on sesame street - you tube is going to feature in my room a lot i feel suddenly - the kids and i had a real giggle!!

We videoed our bear hunt, we are fortunate to have masses of sapce so we went on a hunt and my fab caretaker hid in a cave as the bear, we then played the video back to the children - they loved it!!

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