SazzJ Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 Hi Just a quick question Does anyone get time out of their room to do paperwork? If yes, how long do you get. At current we are required to do all paperwork in the room while looking after the children too. Some staff recently attended traininga round the EYFS and they said that we should get time out of the room to do paperwork such as planning, observations etc
dublinbay Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 Our planning is done on Friday afternoon as we don't have a session then. Observations made on post-its are put in children's files with photos added, dated and signed. We do take our key children's files home with us and we are paid an extra 2 hours a week to do this work. Manager does not like admin work of any sort done during our contact time with children (neither do we actually). We employ an admin person to do any bits needed, waiting lists, application forms etc.
Shiny Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 All people with responsibilities get time to do these (that is all of us) Supervisor - SENCO Deputy - Child Protection & Behaviour Deputy - Planning co-ordinator Senior Ass 1 - Health and safety Senior Ass 2 - First aid co-ordinator Assistant - Equal Opps We are all key persons too. We are paid 8.45 - 1pm and session time is 9 - 11.45am. 15 mins before and after session for setting up clearing away, 1 hour for responsibilities, updating children's records, staff meetings, planning meetings etc per day. The hour on Friday is for cleaning.
Shiny Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 Our planning is done on Friday afternoon as we don't have a session then.Observations made on post-its are put in children's files with photos added, dated and signed. We do take our key children's files home with us and we are paid an extra 2 hours a week to do this work. Manager does not like admin work of any sort done during our contact time with children (neither do we actually). We employ an admin person to do any bits needed, waiting lists, application forms etc. We to have an admin person, and we don't do any admin work during session time either. Our supervisor doesn't let us take the children's files home.
Sue R Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 Sazz, You should not be doing paperwork in the Room. You are there to care for the children!! We discourage it in our nursery, our Manager finding time-out for those that need it, for whatever reason. Sue
Guest Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 I'm a childminder and get to do my paperwork when the children go home! Apart from the daily diary detailing food, drink, naps, outings, achievements, upsets, comments from nursery or preschool - this usually gets filled in at high speed as parents are putting on their child's coat!! This was the source of a very heated debate on EYFS training last night. trainers gave out A4 short term planner for use daily, for each child, and couldn't understand how we wouldn't have time to fill it in while children present. Insisted that Ofsted would want it done that way even though EYFS says childminders don't have to have written planning as evidence. Roomful of confused childminders and stroppy trainer made for an unhappy final hour of training. On a brighter note however I've found such fabulous planning and observation info on the forum that I'm not bothered!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So BIG thanks to all those who have shared your experience! Nona
Guest Wolfie Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 That does sound a very unreasonable request, I'm not surprised it wasn't greeted with much enthusiasm! Was this planner sheet being given out to practitioners from all sorts of different pre-school settings or just childminders?
Guest Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 Just childminders. Training was over 2 x 2.5 hour evening sessions and was possibly the most demoralising I've been on in 10 years as a registered childminder! Sad Most of the time was spent reading the information from the pack to us - they'd put it on a powerpoint presentation and photocopied it onto handouts for us - in case we couldn't read it for ourself obviously! Patronising doesn't begin to cover it! They went on and on about the importance of outdoor provision and barely touched on observation, assessment and planning which is the main area of change for us! Every time we tried to raise this topic they spoke over us, or down to us "we'll come to that" "moving on, we've got a lot to cover" and finally got to the nitty gritty with only an hour to go - and then the fireworks began! The evaluation forms should make interesting reading, ha ha! Nona
Guest Wolfie Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 Oooh, that doesn't sound good at all! You'd identified an area that you wanted to know more about and asked for support with and they didn't pick up on that? Let's hope that they lean from the evaluations! In the meantime, I'm sure you'll find plenty of advice and support here with observations, assessment and planning - and I'm sure that really you won't have to make too many changes to your existing practice, if my experience, childminders are extremely knowledgable about the children in their care and it is an aspect of their practice that they do without thinking about it, every day.
beth1 Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 Paperwork whats paperwork, can you tell I haven't had much paperwork to do for a few months apart from FD work of course. Actually I miss that side of my job, making observations on my key children and helping them to their individual next steps. Beth
Guest Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 Wolfie, thanks for your kind words. I'm confident I can record & evidence - particularly now I've accessed the EYFS links to ECM on the forum!! A few little tweaks to existing records & hey presto, lots less "new" paperwork to invent. Oh how I LOVE this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guest Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 paperwork!!! we have a meeting every weds morn early - paid - to plan for the following week - we keep all our assessments in the room and use sticky label observations so that they can be recorded straight onto children's assessments - staff's partners were complaining about the amount of time they were transferring obs onto their records!!! at home.
Guest Posted March 6, 2008 Posted March 6, 2008 Well im a childminder with my mum and i do it as and when i can during the day at the moent in the after noon 1 boy has a nap but the others dont so i do what i have planned for them then when i have done what i planned with the children there do free play and i do me paperwork while watch them at the sametime. anything what needs doing on the computer i write down in my pad of paper then i do that at the weekends etc or if we finish eraly
hali Posted March 11, 2008 Posted March 11, 2008 i was told yet again 2nd round of ofset that we do too much - did tell her yesturday once EYFS comes in will be cutting down - so will definatly do that
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