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Really Useless Facts!

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Well now that we have the new site, and many of us are getting frustrated with reports and other such issues, I thought it was time to bring something daft into the lounge.


So, Id like your really useless gems of knowledge please. You know the ones....things you have learned on lifes journey that have no value to you in any way shape or form.


So Id better start then....


Slugs have 4 noses.


Your turn :D


I promised Steve I would be on my best behaviour after the relaunch.




Sorry, I did manage to last a few hours though.. :o


My family call me the fount of useless information, husband says I'd give Michael Caine a run for his money, but can't think of anything brief enough to post before the bus!!


Will get back to you!! :o


Sue :D

Guest doohanok5

Cat's urine glows under ultra violet light!


This site has lots of useless facts :D www.amusingfacts.com there are some real strange ones on there! :oxD

:oxD Just read my last post, I didn't mean THIS site has lots of useless facts! :(:(:D

Ok here's a couple for you:


Did you know that the distance from your elbow to your wrist is the same as your foot?


Also, you cannot lick your elbow! :D




























I wonder how many people just tried that!


Right here goes xD


1. The average 4 year old child asks over 400 questions a day :D


2.The Largest stamp was issued by China and measured 210mmx65mm (How many calories in that!! :D )


3. being unmarried can shorten a mans life by 10 years! :o


4. India has the most post offices in the world


5. One billion seconds is about 32 years



Trea :)

1. The average 4 year old child asks over 400 questions a day :D

Is that all??!? :o:DxD Actually, I've not got any 4 year olds left in my class now- all 5 and 6, but my lot seem to ask questions 90% of the time!!


If not being married shortens a man's life by 10 years, what does it do for woman, I wonder.


or does that make it sound like a useful fact?


What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, dish-washers and laser printers all have in common ?










All invented by women.

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