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Tidy Up Music?


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please can anyone help, I am trying to find some livley tidying up music that I could play so the children know when its tidy up time.


Does anyone know of any please?


Many thanks :o

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This year I've been using the Simpsons theme tune. If you google free midi files there are loads you can download which are royalty free.



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Like the 'mission impossible' music suggestion....we don't use music at the moment. I brought a 'chicken shaped' egg time that we set when it's tidy up time. The children love trying to get tidied before the bell rings....i have to pretend to be a chicken and make a chicken noise to also let them know the bell has gone off!!!!

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I usually give them five minutes warning so they can finish off what they are doing........then generally say 'can we tidy up the ...(whatever it is---I give children defined areas to deal with..eg Joe, can you and Sarah tidy the duplo away please) before i count to 20?? and sometimes, my counting has to be very slow, but they love trying to beat me!Now and again, I make sure I win, just to kep them on their toes, but 99 times out of a hundred, it's them!

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I used to use the mission impossible theme tune but hearing 2 or 3 times a day every day became quite boring and now I never want to hear it again!!!!!! Then when it was Red nose day we changed it to the Sugar babes walk this way song which again got a bit boring after a while, and all the child had to do was press the play button and off it went. So I wanted to extend their skills at using CD players and have a change of music, so listened to some of the pop songs they were singing around the classroom - they seeme to like Mika at the moment - what good taste they have!!! Then I made a compilation album of about 15 songs with some new and old songs on - they love Lion sleeps tonight - We went through the CD to start with listening to the first few seconds of the track and I told them what number track it was and how to get it to that track and now they chose the track they want and away we go. I t has worked really well

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I spy with my little eye a...money making idea!!


If Marleene Klass can release 'Music for Mothers' CD I'm sure a 'tidy up' CD would go down really well with settings and parents!!


Some enterprising playgroup or for a children's charity would be great......now where did I put Richard Banson's phone number.....


PS I copywrite this idea by stating it first and will be expecting a BIG commisssion

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Hello and welcome to the forum AJB. I think I know the music you mentioned - 'popcorn' - Yes, I can see how that would be a good one! Glad it works for you. :o


We are reviewing our tidy-up time at the moment. Never used music, just chime bars to get children's attention and then just getting on with it. Like the idea of mission impossible - may have to try that. xD

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we've actually got one which is specifically for tidy up time but I've inherited it - not sure where it came from. Maybe if you do a google search..

It's tidy up time, time to put our things away

It's tidy up time, clear up all the mess

It's tidy up time, time to put our things away

Tidy up time again

Sometimes I'm busy doing lots of puzzles

Sometimes I'm busy ...

But when it's all done I've had my fun

I'll do what someone says..


or something like that

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we use the tidy up song from the foundation stage LCP file - its realy good - although a bit short! so we copied it to a cd & repeated it a few times - as it plays the chdn go around singing it!

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