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Play To Learn Morning

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Hi everyone, just wondered if you could help!


I'm due to run a 'Play to Learn' morning at my school next week and I've never been involved in one before. :o What sort of activities could/should there be?


So far I've prepared:


bags of soil


large building bricks



Oops! Maybe this is a local thing?


Children who may be coming to us in September are invited in with parents for a play session. Idea is that parents will go away with some idea about things they can use for play at home. Plus we will begin to get to know each other!


I did a similar thing years ago. We put out mostly the same activities that would be available during a normal sesison but staff were on hand to talk about the learning as well as having cards near each activity which explained the learning that could be gained. I.e, on the dough making table we talked about maths (small, big, more, less) CLL, ('reading' the instructions, manipulating the dough) We did the same simple info cards for all areas, and genreally chatted about the learning available in all areas.

We had sand, painting on easles, collage on the floor, we provided a camera for use on the ir child at work and used these in later displays.

I think it was a bit of an eye opener to most parents when they realsied they werent 'just playing'. :o


Thanks Rea


I've got some continuous provision planning which I could edit for information. :o

I did a similar thing years ago. We put out mostly the same activities that would be available during a normal sesison but staff were on hand to talk about the learning as well as having cards near each activity which explained the learning that could be gained. I.e, on the dough making table we talked about maths (small, big, more, less) CLL, ('reading' the instructions, manipulating the dough) We did the same simple info cards for all areas, and genreally chatted about the learning available in all areas.

We had sand, painting on easles, collage on the floor, we provided a camera for use on the ir child at work and used these in later displays.

I think it was a bit of an eye opener to most parents when they realsied they werent 'just playing'. :o

We do something similar for our parent/open evenings - and have signs prominently displayed in the various areas explaining exactly what learning is going on so parents can see what their little darlings are actually doing when they are 'just playing'...


Might be a good idea to have some flyers for them to take home too so they can read them later....




Thanks Maz


Thick I will include a play dough recipe too :o

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