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Hi guys, I'm doing some course work at the moment and am after some advice.

I have only used the areas of learning as stated in the foundation stage document (PSED, MD,CD,PD,CLL and KUW), I have been advised to use the SPICE (Social, Physical, Intellectual, communication and Emotional) for my planning as it needs to cover from 2.5 to 5 years old.

The problem arises when I have to refer to the stepping stones. I can see that Social and emotional link to PSED, but where does creative development and knowledge and understanding of the world link to.

I've got myself all muddled so any clarifacation would be gratefully received.

many thanks




Hi Sal, in my day it was SPLICE, the L for language I think! I'd put creative under emotional and KUW under Intellectual. Its not ideal and I really dont know why SPLICE, SPICE and even CLSMKP (children learn so much knowledge playing) are used. I think its so that, whatever scheme comes along the core areas are always included in training. xD


Some others I've come across while doing tutor training are..

SAFE - Social, activity based, fun, environmentally secure.

LIFE - lead (to a greater understanding), intrigue, free (from fear), excite

CREAM - creative, relevent, exciting, achievable, measurable


Good eh?



Thanks Rea, there is also a follow on now!!

Under social I've commented on frienships and interactions, so what development would be discussed under emotional. I realise this would be easy when discussing settling in but I need to talk about a 4 yr old and development over 3 months and I'm not sure how to differentiate between the two.

Sorry if this makes no sense, it's been a long (cold!)week.



And its going to get colder xD


Creativity can be used to help childrens emotional development, from settling in as you say to working out emotions. Think about creative as being dance, song, music, role play, as well as paint, glue etc. Lots of emotions can be followed through these. Are you following one specific child for 3 months? I hope he's a mover and not one who sits with trains all day. Makes life harder then :o

  Rea said:
And its going to get colder :(


Creativity can be used to help childrens emotional development, from settling in as you say to working out emotions. Think about creative as being dance, song, music, role play, as well as paint, glue etc. Lots of emotions can be followed through these. Are you following one specific child for 3 months? I hope he's a mover and not one who sits with trains all day. Makes life harder then xD


I hope it doesn't get too cold as we have no heating or hot water at the moment (since Sun) at home.

Three months ago all he did was play with trains, but he is becoming much more socialable and is starting to want to access all the equipment available, so lots of progression shown. :o

thanks very much :(



Sorry to put a spanner in the works Rea, but as far as I know both Creative and Knowledge and Understanding would come under Intellectual Development. :o


This takes me back. Oh how easy it was then. I was taught to use P.I.L.E.S. Physical,Intellectual, Language, Emotional and Social. Then the Learning Outcomes appeared and then intellectual was broken down into Maths, K.U.W and Creative.


I would agree with you Carol that they go under Intellectual Development - I say this based on the fact that when linking B23 with Foundation Stage, Creative and K and U link to A Competent Learner.


I love PILES:o



I still start with this approach when training new staff, probably completely wrong, but it appears to stick and we then move on to the frameworks after a couple of months.

  bubblejack said:
This takes me back. Oh how easy it was then. I was taught to use P.I.L.E.S. Physical,Intellectual, Language, Emotional and Social. Then the Learning Outcomes appeared and then intellectual was broken down into Maths, K.U.W and Creative.



I to used P I L E S ................i would put creative & KUW under intellectual


I used to use PILES but then changed it to SPIEL when I learnt that this word means PLAY in German. :o


I agree with KUW, Creative in intellectual, but also remember that the activities children access are holistic in their learning potential and there may not be a clear focus of any particular development during child initiated play, mainly when the activity is adult led can you focus on any particular area of development. ( I know you all knew that already xD )


Good luck with your studies.





So how would we link emotional to the 6 areas if we already have social?

You see, I told you these SPLICE things threw me. :o


In terms of Social and Emotional, I would say that social is definitely about how you understand and get on with others. Emotional is more about the individual, identifying and managing emotions, developing concentration and attention span, becoming more resilient and able to carry out and persevere at a task independently. :o


Sal wanted to know how she could link the emotional of SPICE with the FS though. If SPICE has to be linked I would still put emotional with creative, because theres nowhere else for it to go. I did say it wasnt ideal, but I do get your point about it being really KUW.


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