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Childcare Act 2006

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Hi peeeps. I have the full version but really don't hae the energy to plough throuhg 78 pages. I know sure start did a summary but I don't seem to be able to access it at the moment.


Does anyone have a coy of a summary they would be willing to attach or send please?


many thanks


Any good?




The Childcare Act has four parts: duties on local authorities in England (Part 1), duties on local authorities in Wales (Part 2), regulation and inspection arrangements for childcare providers in England (Part 3) and general provisions (Part 4). Key provisions are as follows.


Sections 1-5 require local authorities and their NHS and Jobcentre Plus partners to work together to improve the outcomes of all children up to 5 and reduce inequalities between them, by ensuring early childhood services are integrated to maximise access and benefits to families - underpinning a Sure Start Children’s Centre for every community


Sections 6, 8-11 & 13 require local authorities to assess the local childcare market and to secure sufficient childcare for working parents. Childcare will only be deemed sufficient if meets the needs of the community in general and in particular those families on lower incomes and those with disabled children. Local authorities take the strategic lead in their local childcare market, planning, supporting and commissioning childcare. Local authorities will not be expected to provide childcare direct but will be expected to work with local private, voluntary and independent sector providers to meet local need. Section 7 re-enacts the duty for local authorities to secure a free minimum amount of early learning and care for all 3 and 4 year olds whose parents want it.


Section 12 extends the existing duty to provide information to parents, to ensure parents and prospective parents can access the full range of information they may need for their children right through to their 20th birthday. Local authorities will be required to ensure that this service is available to all parents and that it is pro-active in reaching those parents who might otherwise have difficulty accessing the information service.


Sections 39-48 introduce the Early Years Foundation Stage which will build on and bring together the existing Birth to Three Matters, Foundation Stage and national standards for day care and childminding. This new framework will support providers in delivering quality integrated early education and care for children from birth to age 5.


Sections 31-38 & 49-98 reform and simplify the framework for the regulation of childcare and early education to reduce bureaucracy and focus on raising quality and standards. All providers caring for children up to age 5 will be required to register on the Early Years register and deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (unless exceptionally exempted). Childcare settings providing for school age children will be judged against a streamlined set of Ofsted Childcare Register standards. These criteria will be compulsory for all settings caring for children under 8. Other providers may join the register on a voluntary basis.


Sections 99-101 allow for the collection of information about young children to inform funding and support the local authority duties under the act.


Thanks for that Marion a very useful summary. :o

Have you got a link to where it came from or did you write it up yourself? ( if so, extra brownie points to you xD )



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