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Hi all... I am sure I came across a word document from the EYFS Practice Guidance where you can copy and paste the Appendix 2 (Pages 22/23 39/40 61/62 etc). I specifically want to copy (rather than having to type it all out) the requirement parts for each area of learning... the ones that relate to what PSED/CLL etc means to the chidren; How settings can effectively implement the areas etc


I have been to the standards site but can only download the Guidance in acrobat/adobe which doesn't allow you to alter the text size or colour etc. as far as my skills go anyway!

Can anyone help have spent a frustraing afternoons PPA trying to find the blooking thing :o


Ive already copied bits as needed from this, so it can be done, and I was able to change the colours and size, font etc.


I think you need to save it if you are accessing it from the internet (at least that's what I did) and then reopen it in acrobat and you're away.

Done that Mundia saved but still not accessible- will check the disc tmorrow Susan :o

Is it something to do with the version of Adobe Acrobat you have? All sounds a bit too technical for me I'm afraid!


Hope you get it sorted soon - there's nothing more frustrating than knowing where something is and not being able to use it!



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